This is mainly a question regarding a largely cinematic sort of deal, but are there any rules regarding Psychic clashes in Dark Heresy? I'm largely referring to great "Beam of War" clashes or the like. Or is this largely up to the GM in question. An example of what I'm referring to, might, say, in the event of two Psykers fighting, one Psyker using a Delayed Action to launch a burst of Bio Lightning into the opposing Psyker's Fire Bolt.
Or is this not possible to do/not intended in any of the rulebooks? I just think it'd be a very cool thing to do for cinematic purposes, perhaps being "resolved" by opposing Willpower tests or the like? If there's no rules regarding this sort of thing I might discuss it with my GM for the purpose of house rules, but wanted to figure out if there was any rule on this sort of thing that I may have missed.