"Zigil Mineshaft" Question

By Huntress2, in Rules questions & answers

When Playing "Into the Pit", which I think is the first scenario in the Khazad-Dum set, there is a location card called "Zigil Mineshaft". Its wording says: Action: Raise each player's threat by 1 to place 1 progress token on Zigil Mineshaft.

My question is: Does this Action only apply when Zigil MIneshaft is the active location, or can we trigger this action during any action window as many times as we want to place enough progress tokens to get rid of this location while it is still in the staging area?

You can trigger it anytime, so if each player raises their threat by 5 you can get rid of it immediately (or use the Cave Torch to do 3 progress, then raise threat by 2 for each player).

Thanks GrandSpleen, that's how I read it too, but my husband did not agree.

You can trigger it anytime, so if each player raises their threat by 5 you can get rid of it immediately (or use the Cave Torch to do 3 progress, then raise threat by 2 for each player).

There is a slight rule clarification needed here. You cannot take actions until after all cards have been revealed during the staging step. Then, prior to resolution, you can take the action to raise your threat to remove the mineshaft.

This probably does not matter in most cases. But, if the next revealed card had text that triggered off of locations in the staging area, it would be important. e.g. "When Revealed: deal one damage to each character for each location in the staging area".

Ok that makes sense. As long as you do it in an "action window" you're good to go. Thanks!