Play by Post games

By Frosty71, in Only War

Have you ever come to find that the roleplaying community in your area is composed entirely of DnD fanboys? Have you ever realized that the 30+ consistent gamers in your local store refuse to play anything that isn't Pathfinder? Ever been told that non-D20 systems are waste of time?

Well that's the predicament I am running into right now, and so I am wondering if there are any play by post games going on that people would be willing to pick up a player for. I've been wanting to give the sergeant or medic a try ever since I bought my copy of OW in the fall, and I'm willing to join pretty much any decent game whether it be a year in the making or freshly off the ground. I'm new to how PbP works, but I learn things fast and I actually like to attempt staying in character if that counts for anything.

Well, any takers? Pointing me in the direction of where PbP games exist would also be helpful.

Hi I don't know if this will help but they have games on come up now and then

Yup, giantitp is an excellent PbP source! I'm playing in a few right now (under a different handle) and running one as well...don't think anyone's actively recruiting for Only War specifically at the moment, but there is a promising-looking recruitment thread under a good GM. He's picking up Only War, Rogue Trader, and Dark Heresy characters to do a giant no-holds-barred cleansing of a rebellious, corrupted Hive. The whole thing's designed as a backstory bit for his homebrewed corner of the galaxy, it's quite cool and since it's something that's been alluded to in other games he's running, I'm quite excited.

Should you be interested:

There's some good stuff on that website, and I've posted in that game you mentioned, Spinner. That forum does suffer heavily from the typical DnD kiddie problem, but at least there are other games going on. I'll keep an eye on it and see what comes up.

Yeah I've seen a fair few only war games on that site and they seem to go well with only one or to breaking up before they finish. Itsjust a shame that a few say no to abhumans ;-)

Edited by seanie4199

I'm interested in an Only War game myself, and PbP seems to be the best way to do it right now.