What order should I purchase/play the Descent expansions in?!

By The God Builder, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

My group and I just got Descent, played 2 quests, and had a blast.

We've played DOOM before, had a great time with that, got the expansion had more great times.

But at this point, there is Descent the main game, and 4 expansions. We're going to buy expansion [blank] once we hit quest 8, to ensure non-stop table-top raging. But if you're going to do something it's worth doing right, right?

What order should we play the expansions in? Whether it's personal preference or dictated by the actual quests.

Thank you so much.

Depends on what you are looking for.

If you want to continue the style of Quest play like found in JitD, then I would go WoD, AoD, then ToI. The other way would be if you think the Heroes needs some help would be to get ToI, WoD then AoD.

However, if you want long term campiagn style play, with Hero upgrades and more options for the OL and a "RPG"-like feel, then go buy Road to Legend. It is a very very different expansion compared to the other three and changes the game play a lot. You only need JitD for it, but I highly recommend getting WoD and AoD for it, then ToI.

My group had a very similar experience to yours. After playing through the initial 8 JitD quests, we wanted more. In the end, we purchased RtL and WoD simultaneously. We played two quests in WoD, just to acclimate ourselves to the new monsters and treachery, then we jumped into RtL and haven't looked back.

I must say, RtL is amazingly fun. That being said, we still need AoD, as I feel there are aspects we are missing (dark priests? yes, please).

In answer to your question, if you are only in the market for 1 expansion right now, I'd go with WoD, but grab RtL as soon as you can. It is worth it.

I'm planning to get RtL last, since it seems that once you get it, you don't really have much use for the other quests. I also don't want to dive into the campaign until we have played a hell of a lot of the regular game / expansions.

Veinman said:

I'm planning to get RtL last, since it seems that once you get it, you don't really have much use for the other quests. I also don't want to dive into the campaign until we have played a hell of a lot of the regular game / expansions.

This is how we did it. You will learn more about each type of monster/treachery/equipment/ability/effect by going through the quests and then you can put all that stuff to use in rtl. I think it made us more aware of the strengths/weaknesses of the monsters and skills and it allows you to enjoy playing those stand alone quests before getting into rtl...which you will be unlikely to come back from.

That being said, we played some regular quests after having some rtl experience, and found a lot of fun to be had with starting 3 skills, less customized treasure, and the OL having a lot more treachery to work with. Both vanilla and rtl have their pros and cons, and both are pretty darn fun.

Hey I super appreciate the feedback. From what it seems like, we'll be getting RtL last. I'm a big fan of "Ending" on a high note. And the way our group works it seems to make sense building lego blocks at a time with the expansions and RtL seems like an erector set kind of jump, which I am All too excited for. I do get worried though that, from what it seems, RtL is too good, and getting it early on will dilute the fun of the prior expansions quests.

Again, Thank you all so much for the input, it was incredibly helpful.