Hello all! I'm a new member here, and recently purchased Battlelore 2nd Edition and am thoroughly enjoying the game. Battlelore also ultimately led me to this site. Anyway, before purchasing Battlelore I had extensively looked in to Runewars Revised Edition and had my purchase narrowed down to those 2 games. I ultimately decided on Battlelore as the rules are less extensive and I figured it would be a good intro back into competitive fantasy themed board gaming after a long hiatus.
I'm now in position to buy Runewars and broaden my horizons so to speak. I've looked at BGG and noticed that it's been a while since Runewars has had an expansion released. I also noticed in the "Summer 2013 Catalog" that came with Battlelore, Runewars had a small blurb at the back of the catalog, while FFG's other headlining games had full featured advertisements taking up a whole page. So, my question is whether Runewars is nearing the end of it's cycle, or, if in your opinion there will be more Runewars content to be released in the future. I will most likely purchase Runewars regardless, but this question is still in the back of my mind. Thank you for your input!