Black Riders "Hide" when revealed

By PaulyP, in Rules questions & answers

I'm fairly new to this game and just want a rules clarification. In the shadow of the past adventure from the black riders saga the game starts with a nazgul with the hide effect in the staging area. Am I required to make this check at the start of the game? Also, when subsequent quest cards are revealed it instructs you to 'add' a nazgul to the staging area. Again am I required to make this hide check for the new nazgul? I read somewhere that because you are 'adding' it to the staging area it isn't being revealed so you don't have to make the hide check...this didn't sound right to me.

Apologies if this question has already been asked but I have searched and cant find a concrete answer.

Again am I required to make this hide check for the new nazgul? I read somewhere that because you are 'adding' it to the staging area it isn't being revealed so you don't have to make the hide check...this didn't sound right to me.

No, because you read something right. Maybe we can explain why it's sounds right :

Reveal is the term used to trigger most of the effect.

Add (in play or more specifically in the staging area) is a consequence of a revealed card from the encounter deck.

Also, it's better not to begin with an engaged Nazgul that attack you...

Thanks for the relpy alogos, but the nazgul wouldn't be attacking me unless I fail that initial hide check. So I am gathering from your rather aloof answer that I don't need to make the hide checks in either case.

thanks again

Everytime you reveal a card with the hide keyword, you have to make a hide test. Everytime you add a card, you don't have to. During the setup you're only told to add a Black Rider to the staging area, so you don't have to make a hide test. The instructions on quest cards 2 and 3 tell you to reveal a Black Rider and add it to the staging area. That's why you have to make the hide test there.

Very Clear, Thanks leptokurt!