Is he still like... you know like how in the video games what he does all day when he's not killing things... I mean he talks to them and then he.. yeah..
Can he do that in this board game?
Is he still like... you know like how in the video games what he does all day when he's not killing things... I mean he talks to them and then he.. yeah..
Can he do that in this board game?
You mean is the board game softcore pornography like the video games? I sincerely doubt FFG would stoop to publishing it if that was what cd project pitched them.
Bwahahahahaahahaha! You're hilarious.
LOL thread of the day material
Edited by SolennelBernLOL thread of the day material
If that made you laugh, check out this thread I made way back for portal 2
You sir got a distorted mind
Is he still like... you know like how in the video games what he does all day when he's not killing things... I mean he talks to them and then he.. yeah..
Can he do that in this board game?
Yes, he can. A ton of the Diplomacy Investigation decks are actually fair maidens of the Witcher's world. Not all of them are good, of course; laying down with some of the more fiery women can lead to injures as a result or other form of penalty.
Gets a tad weird when Triss shares the bed with another lady.