Converting 1st ed campaigns/quests to 2nd ed

By Soleman, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey all. I have a copy of 2nd edition, the conversion kit, and several expansions for 1st edition. Does anyone have suggestions on how I might be able to use the 1st ed quests/campaigns with the 2nd ed rules?

I will tell You how I did that. It's not revolutionery or anything but it keeps the feeling from 1ed and dungeon crawling.

Heros have Fortune Points: in a 2/3 player game they have 8, in 4 player -6, in 5 - 4. Each time a Hero is defiteated the Heroes loose 1 FP. When the hero is defeated and there is no FP to loose, the players have lost the game.

They do not know the map, just like in 1e, and the map is discovered part by part when they exlpore. So it still uses the sections from 1e quests.

If they defeat the last boss on the map they have won.

Simple and it worked quite well as game between session or campain.


Hey all. I have a copy of 2nd edition, the conversion kit, and several expansions for 1st edition. Does anyone have suggestions on how I might be able to use the 1st ed quests/campaigns with the 2nd ed rules?

yes, I have one : burn it all !

Thank you Beren, for your constructive and helpful reply. Have you used this for Sea of Blood? I found a dirt cheap copy and was thinking of grabbing it, but not if I can't really use it.

No, I have not sed it in Road To Legend or Sea of Blood. But it worked quite well even as a linked campain useing the quests from base or expansions from 1ed. For example You can play Well of Darkness as a campain. For each quest each player gains 1 Exp., the Heroes also gain gold durning the quest that they have found so to make it more balanced the Overlord gains additional 1 Exp if he manages to push players to loose FP. So Overlord gains additional 1Exp in: 2/3 players game when Heroes loose 4 or more, 4 players - 3 or more, 5 players - 2 or more. Remamber that there are no reinforsment card in those games and the monsters are placed based on the quest maps. All it playes on the rules from 2ed but uses the quests from 1ed.

I hope You will have fun


PS. In case of Artefact cards that are to be found in some quests - made my own conversion of them or use some of those from 2ed.