Question on restocking in town

By LostSailor, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The Gathered list of answers states:

A hero who begins his turn adjacent to or on top of an activated glyph has two options: take a normal turn or go to town. If he goes to town, he is immediately moved to the building of his choice and gets to Restock there. No movement points, no declared action – he just Restocks.

A hero who begins his turn in town has two options: Restock again (at the same or a different building) or return to the dungeon. If he returns to the dungeon, he declares a normal action (Battle, Ready, Advance, Run) and then must spend a movement point to move from town to the dungeon, just like normal. If he somehow can't do so (i.e. he Battled and had no fatigue left) then the entire action is canceled and the hero Restocks instead. .

However, I was under the impression that a hero could only utilize the benefits of a building once per turn. Say, you glyph to town and look at 2 treasures. According to the above statment:

Restock again (at the same or a different building)

You could spend another turn and look at 2 more treasures? What is to prevent a hero from sitting in town and essentially "farming a treasure deck for the particular item he/she wants?"

If you pulled 2 treasures on Turn 1 at the Market, then you can't pull two more on Turn 2.

However, you could on Turn 2 sell items or buy stuff from the Shop deck so you can still use the building. Drawing the market value in items is not the only benefit to the Market building.

Don't forget that treasures from the market are pulled PER WEEK, not per game turn. If a Hero goes to the Market, and it's the first time they've done so in that dungeon (and so probably the first time they had done so that game week), then they get to pull 2 treasures. The next time a visit to the market is done during that dungeon, you do not get to pull two treasures, since you've already pulled for the week. So basically, after that first pull, the only reason to visit the market is to sell items.

And don't forget that the Alchemist works the same way. Tamalir's rating of, what, 2? Sucks, wish there was a Tamalir upgrade to boost that number up :P


That's what I thought the rule was. But I was browsing the answered questions and came across that line and I started to think I was wrong.

Thanks for the clarification.

Note that since a hero cannot completely heal for 50 gold during a restock turn (he can only heal wounds based on the temple rating for 25 gold) it may take multiple turns to completely heal a hero. So that's probably the only building it make sense to visit multiple turns in a row.