So I was playing through the Stone of Erech and I ran into a few questions I wanna clear up. One came while fighting the King of the Dead. I had Eowyn, and discarded two cards (two handed) prior to engaging him. When he did engage, would Eowyn still have 6 willpower? Or does his ability cancel that due to blanking her text? It says "the end of the round," so that leads me to believe that the stat increase would remain even if her card text was blank. My second question is a more broad one. When revealing an enemy from the discard pile that has the keyword surge, it doesn't activate, does it? I know it was errataed so that any time it was revealed from the encounter deck it activates, but not from the discard pile, correct? Thanks for reading, any answers appreciated! =)
Questions - Stone of Erech
Eowyn's ability reads: " Action: Discard 1 card from you hand to give Eowyn +1WP until the end of the phase."
The key is end of phase . Your options include Quest, Travel, Encounter, Combat, etc
So if you discard cards before engaging tLotD, Eowyn will lose her +WP before combat comes around. Once you engage tLotD Eowyn's text goes blank and she no longer has the opportunity to use the action.
The one trick here is that if you boosted her WP in the encounter phase before engaging tLotD, she would keep her bonus until the end of the Encounter phase despite having a blank text box... not sure why you would do that.
Edited by Thanatopsis
Whoops, yeah I misread that. I read the "each player can trigger this once per round" and round got stuck in my head. Thanks for clearing that one up.
Any idea on the surge question?
As far as I remember, I didn't see anything on this in the faq.
Just reread it, didn't find anything...
I just found it in the most recent FAQ while I was looking for something else. It triggers whenever that card enters play, so it would trigger there. I think I'm just gonna have to replay this one, my victory feels very tainted at the moment. Lol.
It does trigger. Don't pick that guy.
Haha, good call.