new set new trade topic

By goro diamon, in UFS Uk Forum

Complete list of what i have for trade and stuff i want form shadow war.


Hidden beastly powers
Vampiric aura
Romanian Valley
Us air Base
Looks that kill
Side Harpe
The blowfish Blade x6

Doll from grandma x3
Ayame's scarf x 3
Fan Blade x 2
Pigeon Games
Yumeji's Sword of No name
Treasured Gift
Orange Gi
Kyoshiro's Naginata x2
Leather Jacket x2
Yasakani No magatama
Lost cathedral ruin
Sparring gloves
Anklets x 2
Psycho drive x1
OLcadans mentoring
lynettes shop
Dark chichiushi
Yoshitoras girlfriend


Fist Of rage
Summoning Evil x 6
Crippling Strike
God Hand
Taking in Students
Collecting Data
Self-Diagnosis Program
Reckless and impulsive
Ulterior mottive x 2
taking them down a level x3
No I in team x2
final confrontation x 4
malicious intent

Fei Long's roundhouse
Oni Muso
Machine Gun Dog
Chikemuri kuruwa x 4
True shrike dash ..
Kama Harai Keri
Psycho Canno x 2
Amazon River Run
Wild Fang
Solar Flash Dance
crazy ivan

Stand off x 2
Chester's Backing x 2
Cutting edge x 2
Kuna's Encouragement x 5
greed's influence x 4
revenants calling
tira's contract
giradoots leadership x 5
realm of midnight x 4
searching for a real challange x 4
strifes patronage x4
aurelias companionship x 6
nefarious plans x2

Priotiy wants are for ragnar, astrid, yi shan,Rashoptep and temijin, siegfreid, asteroth and Ivy

Ufs Wants


Stormhammer x3
Ymirfang x2
Valkynserd x3
Valkyrja's shield
Claws of Chian Tang x4
Monastery of Mt. Lao x 3
Scroll of the Celestial Dawn
The Double Crown of Egypt x3
Wandering Dragon Staff x2
Kulutues. x 3
Ice Coffin of the Sleeping Ancient
Sailor's Rest
Soul Calibur* x 4
Soul Edge* x 4
Wolfkrone Monument x 4
Pseudo-Soul Edge x 4


Anger Towards a God x 2
Artificial Soul x 2
Atoning for Wicked Deeds x 2
Challenge to Battle x 4
Controller of Souls x 2
Memories that Stain its Armor x 3
Mesmerizing Dance
Researching Anywhere
No Mercy x 2
Intolerant of Failure
Unstoppable Warrior x 4
Bloodied but Unbowed
Paying Respect to Your Ancestors x 4
Determined to be the Best x3
Driven by Fear x 4
Atoning for the Past x 2
Calming the Mind
Endless Years of Practice x 2
Dead for One Thousand Years x 4
Valued but Not Tusted x 3


Unnatural Grace x 2
Hunger for Souls x 4


Alshain Najm x 3
Double Grounder Beta x 3
Raging Gnome
Menuett Dance
Lightning Horn x 4
Knight Breaker x 4
Howling Spirits
Hades Destroyer x 3
Hades x 3
Shredding Vibrato x 3
Siegfried's Earth Divide3
Command the Sandstorm x 3
Crane Strike x 2
Descending Dragon Spear x 2
Dragon's Flame x 2
Jotun's Fury x 3
Fury of the Ancients x 4
Mighty Knee Strike x 2
Odin's Wrath x 4
Rage of the Dragon x 1
Striking Thunder x 2
Wrath of Heaven x 2
two Deadly Rings Technique x 2
Twilight Embrace x 2

Please reply here or email me at [email protected]


Do you have any trades from the new sets at all, or just the older ones?


Seconded, sometimes you gotta trade new for new.

probably since iu am not going to suitcase this set.

Up above is all the ultras i am missing so by a process of elimination you could work out which ones i have, Though the named stuff (ie ragnar and co's ultras are nto going and i may be a little loathed to let the scrolls of the abyss go.

Hi may as well post my new stuff here as well


Tower of Souls x1

Knight Breaker x1

Lightning Horn x1

Curse of the Ancient Mariner x1

Anger Towards a God x2

Memories that stain its Armor x1

No Mercy x2

Challenge to Battle x1

Mesmerizing Dance x1

Flexible Body x1

Tower of Remembrance- Encounter x1

Tower of Remembrance- Spiral of Time x1

Tower of Remembrance-Degredation x1

Sailor's Rest x1

Wolfkrone Monument x1

Ostrheinsburg Castle-Twilight x2

Eiserne Drossel x1

Soul Edge x1

Pseudo-Soul Calibur x1

Glanzende Nova and Frischer Himmel x1

Immovable Object x2

Aura of Strength x1

Tira* x1

Algol* x2

Astaroth* x1

Hilde* x1

Nothing from Shadow war yet.

Now as for my wants list i am not to sure really, as i am not sure yet what i really wanna build. however a few things i would like are.

Siegfried's Earth Divide x2

Double Grounder Beta x2

Soul Calibur x1

Atoning for His Wicked Deeds x2

No Forgiveness! x2

Jolly Side x3

Gloomy Side x3

Hi folks, I'm after the new Nightmare attacks, I've got some of the new Ivy and Tira attacks I'm willing to trade, plus a few othe bits like Chesters Backing, Charisma, Sardine's Beach Special, and a few other bits (sorry I can't list them, kinda tired at the mo!)



I have a few cards from the two most recent sets. Not really looking to trade, as I only dabble in UFS. If you see something you're interested in, drop me an email at [email protected] and we can sort something out.


Ultra Rares

Archeron and Nirvana
Corrupting Evil x2
Dark Geo Da Ray
Sailor's Rest


Anger Towards a God
Aura of Strength
Curse of the Ancient Mariner
Gianzende Nova and Frischer Himmel x2
Eiserne Drossel
Howling Spirits
Immovable Object
No Forgiveness
Researching Anywhere
Siren's Call
Temporary Being


Ultra Rares

Paying Respect to Your Ancestors


Atoning for the Past
Calming the Mind x2
Dead for One thousand Years
Endless Years of Practice
Execution Technique: Third Rite x2
Flowing Strikes x2
Lu Chen
Peaceful Path Hold
Unstoppable Warrior
Valkyrja's Shield

In addition to the new cards, I also have a Blood Runs True that I'm open to offers on.


Seeing as we are making lists. I have

1x Zhao Daiyu..
1x Armour of the Forsaken One
1x The Dragon of Mt. Lao
1x Pillage
1x Dragon Lifter
2x One-Handed Crocodile Grasp
1x Twilight Embrace
1x Unstoppable Warrior
1x Dead for One Thousand Years
2x Long Standing Rivalry
1x Tower of Rememberance - Degredation
1x Pseudo-Soul Calibur
2x Ostrheinsburg Castle - Twilight
1x Aura of Strength
2x Base Hold
2x Switching Weapon Styles
1x Shredding Vibrato
1x Curse of the Ancient Mariner
1x Lightning Horn
2x Cross Madness
1x No Mercy
1x Challenge to Battle

I am after copies of

Siegfried's Earth Divide
Double Grounder Beta
1x Soul Calibur
Atoning for his Wicked Deeds
Menuett Dance
Execution Technique Third Rite
Fierce Twin Slash
Fury of the Ancients
Midnight Launcher
Knight Breaker

If anyone is ineterested let me know either on here or at my email [email protected]

Justin, if i have anything you want send me an email, and i should be at the Nottingham cards tournament on May 7th.



Well here's my list of h/w after my boxes finally arrived (I only bought Soul Cal boxes so I'm lacking in Shadowar stuff):



Tower of Souls x2


Ice Coffin of the Sleeping Ancient x2

Wolfkrone Monument

Flexible Body


Hades Destroyer


Seigfried's Earth Divide

Knight Breaker

Double Grounder Beta

Soul Calibur*

Tower of Remembrance - Encounter

Shredding Vibrato

Challenge to Battle x2


Midnight Launcher x3

Temporary Being x3

Pseudo-Soul Calibur x3

Curse of the Ancient Mariner

Aura of Strength x2

Kunpaetku Shrine - Dream Remnants x3

Atoning for his Wicked Deeds

Tower of Remembrance - Spiral of Time x2

Tower of Remembrance - Degredation x3

No Forgiveness! x2

Siren's Call x3

No Mercy

Memories that Stain it's Armor x2

Ostrheinburg Castle - Twilight

Artificial Soul x2

Hilde x2

Giazende Nova and Frischer Himmel x2

Astaroth x3



Set 12 URs:

Raging Gnome

Menuette Dance x2

Set 12 Rares:

Mesmerising Dance x3

Researching Anywhere x3

Eiserne Drossel x2

Howling Spirits x2

Set 11:



Revenant's Calling x3 (minor)


Hades Ax

Reborn Slasher

Enraged Golem

Jolly Side

Gloomy Side

Perfect Sense of Balance

Rising Hilt

Torn Hero

Yi Shan's Dragon Tail Leg Sweep x4

Cleave x4

Flooded-Nile Throw x4

Communing with the Ancients x4

Crushing Embrace of the Jotun x4

Leaping Snap Kick x4

Body Slam x4

Feel free to send me an email if you're interested at all, my addy is [email protected], or add me as a friend on here and PM me.

Dude, dude, dude, may I speaketh to YOU-OU!!!

I have emailed you, let me know what you think!

OK, have bothered to make a list (I know, surprised meself too!) Here are my trades!

Set 12

2 x Howling Spirits

2x Raging Gnome

1 x Shredding Vibrato

2 x Menuett Dance

1 x Lightning Horn

1 x Dark Geo Da Ray

2 x Curse of the ancient mariner


1 x Chester's Backing

1 x Heel Snipe

3 x Greed's Influence

1 x Amy's assistance

2 x Tira's Contract

1 x Hwang's Protection

1 x Strife's Patronage

3 x Giradot's Leadership

4 x Luna's Encouragement


4 x Prankster

3 x Yoga Adept

2 x Heavenly Phoenix Dancing Stomp

2 x Double Typhoon ..

1 x Sardine's Beach Special

1 x Preventing the Curse

1 x Hugo's Body Press

2 x Mega Spike

1 x Charismatic

There are more, but I reckon this is the best stuff that *may* have a chance of trading. Also, the attacks from the new Set 12 will need to be good offers I'm afraid, as I've only really put these up to snag some Nightmare stuff, which is what I really want at the mo.

Cheers all! Fiddlestix


I now have for trade:

1 x Siegfried's Earth Divide

1 x Double Grounder Beta

2 x eiserne drossel

2 x pseudo-soul calibur

And I'm after:

3 x Knight Breaker

2 x Hades

3 x Hades Destroyer

Cheers all!

Bump bump bump!

Anybody out there with Knight Breakers to spare.

Also, Mr Cascade, have you had any thoughts on our little dealio?

Cheers all!

Fiddlestix said:

Bump bump bump!

Anybody out there with Knight Breakers to spare.

Also, Mr Cascade, have you had any thoughts on our little dealio?

Cheers all!

Hi there i have a spare knight breaker i am not going to use, I am after tira's UR attacks at the moment. If you have anything your willing to trade, drop us a line, my email is [email protected].

Fiddlestix said:

Bump bump bump!

Anybody out there with Knight Breakers to spare.

Also, Mr Cascade, have you had any thoughts on our little dealio?

Cheers all!

Sorry dude, your email got buried in the 36 that cropped up in the last few days. I've actually managed to trade for all my wants off other people already, so I'm gonna have to pass on our deal. Sorry about the fuss.

@ Cetamana - emails have been sent - you have been warned!! Cheers dude, hope to hear from you

@Cascade - You are a bad man and I hate you!!! lo, no worries dude, glad you got all the gear you were after.

TY ALL!!!!



You still got those Raging Gnomes for trade?

I've got a copy of Hades and Hades Destroyer, if you're interested.


Hi Korrin

Yep, I still have them, but I'm kinda waiting on a reply from Cetamana about a possible Knight Breaker, but that was a while ago, so.... how bout I give it til next Friday, if I get nothing and your still interested, we can sort a deal, k?

Sorry for the delay, but the Knight Breakers are what I'm really after.



Finally gotten round to sorting out my actual trades from Set 12:



Raging Gnome x3
Minuet Dance x3 (1 coming)
Shredding Vibrato (1 coming)


Odin's Wrath x1 (1 coming)
Paying Respect to Your Ancestor's x2 (1 coming)


Feline Spike x1 - these will only be going for trades including Gnomes, Dances or Wraths, as those are the cards I'm really after right now.


Hades x2
Hades Destroyer x2
Alshain Najm x2
Siegfried's Earth Divide (Trade Pending)
Double Grounder Beta (Trade Pending)
Acheron & Nirvana
Sailor's Rest
Pseudo-Soul Edge
Corrupting Evil
Hunger for Souls


Rage of the Dragon
Striking Thunder
The Double Crown of Egypt (Trade Pending)
Wandering Dragon Staff (Trade Pending)


No BRT (or the new champion cards), otherwise I may well have it, just ask!


Edit Link

Fiddlestix said:

Hi Korrin

Yep, I still have them, but I'm kinda waiting on a reply from Cetamana about a possible Knight Breaker, but that was a while ago, so.... how bout I give it til next Friday, if I get nothing and your still interested, we can sort a deal, k?

Sorry for the delay, but the Knight Breakers are what I'm really after.



No worries chap - have just posted my full trades list, so there might be more in there you're after - no Knight Breakers I'm afraid.


Hi Kev,

I've got one copy each of Menuett Dance, Shredding Vibrato, Odin's Wrath and Paying Respect to Your Ancestors. I'm after Siegfried's Earth Divide, Double Grounder Beta, The Double Crown of Egypt and Wandering Dragon Staff. Let me know if you're interested.

ChaosChild said:

Hi Kev,

I've got one copy each of Menuett Dance, Shredding Vibrato, Odin's Wrath and Paying Respect to Your Ancestors. I'm after Siegfried's Earth Divide, Double Grounder Beta, The Double Crown of Egypt and Wandering Dragon Staff. Let me know if you're interested.

That sounds like a deal to me mate!

Are you coming to PotM at the end of the month? Otherwise, I'm happy to post things if you need them earlier/aren't coming.

Let me know.


I'm not in any hurry. If you're happy to wait til PotM then that's fine by me. I'll put them to one side for you.

lo all!

Does anybody here know or have contact with Cetamana, need to get ahold of him about a trade in the frying pan. Cheers for any help!




You had any luck arranging that other trade? I still have those Hades and Destroyer cards, and I really want those Gnomes :)
