Good boardgames for two players?

By Tiziano2, in 8. AGoT Off Topic

I couldn't find a 'general boardgames' thread so I thought to post here to poll the collective wisdom of the AGOT community...

I've been long addicted to boardgames, specifically the big solid boxes with a few hundred pieces you need custom-made reinforced shelves for, problem is nowadays my group of friends keep very different schedules and it's difficult to get together regularly so my 'steady' group is composed just of my wife and myself .

I'm very tempted by many FFG boardgames, but I haven't the foggiest idea of which are fun to play for just two players, any suggestions?

If you like WWII games then for sure pick up tide of iron.

battlelore is okay, but as a minatures player i'd rather play minatures over that.

Most of the other FFG games that i've played have included more then 2 people so i can't say from experience.

I've heard nothing but good things about Arkham Horro, which i belive is 2 player

stratego? :)

Yeah but boardgamegeek it for sure. Also wasn't there a board game that took the basic premise of stratego and warped it with customizable units and stuff? ... anyone know what I'm talking about?

Thanks for the tips! I'll definitely check out boardgamegeek. happy.gif is a great source for board game info. If you do some searching in the "geeklists" or in the forums, you should turn up plenty of lists/threads about two-player games or "games to play with my spouse".

LetsGoRed said:

If you do some searching ... you should turn up plenty of lists/threads about ... "games to play with my spouse".

my search filter would have to be turned off

You've probably already gone through BGG and found plenty, but I figured I would throw out a couple of my favorites:


Blue Moon City



I would note that Red November is an awesome game, and most sources will say that it is for two players (including BGG), and it is not at all. The game just doesn't play with two people, unless you want to lose before anything actually happens in the game.

Thank you so much for the great tips and suggestions, everyone.

Noted about Red November, Morgan, we both (I and the wife) were very, very tempted by it and Android but I think we'll pass on those until or group comes back to a somewhat regular schedule. Definitely going for some titles in your list, they sound intriguing. happy.gif

Hmm... I don't know yet if it's all that great, but I just purchased Atlanteon tonight from the FFG sale. It's hard to resist that $5.00 pricetag.

Monopoly! JK, I don't really know any board games that are really good. I just had to post Monopoly...

I saw someone mentioned it above, and yeah, I too have heard great things about Arkham, though I havent played it. I've read up about it, and if my budget allowed it would definitely be sitting on my table right now. If you want two player, theres a good place to look

Well, I dont know about FFG board games, but Risk is a pretty good board game. My friend and I play Battleship a lot and thats kinda fun. Chess is a classic and Checkers is too.

CIA Vs KGB rocks. check it out tiz

Kennon said:

Hmm... I don't know yet if it's all that great, but I just purchased Atlanteon tonight from the FFG sale. It's hard to resist that $5.00 pricetag.

~And you couldn't get anything else at our amazing prices?

though it is technically not a boardgame another good game for two people is Wings of War. there is a set for WW1 and WWII, the WWI set has minatures that you can get for it. I demoed it at Gencon and it's a fun little game that 2 or more people can play.

Another game that can be played with 2 people is Tribune though it is more fun with multiple people.

Thanks for all the suggestions, that's great happy.gif ! Sorry for not answering earlier but these days are rather hectic...

Fantasy Flight has all kinds of offerings for two players. From my library I would recommend Arkham Horror, War of the Ring, Lord of the Rings: The Boardgame, and I'm of the opinion that Android plays just fine with 2.

Most of the time I only have one other person to play with, and I've greatly enjoyed all of those titles.

Thanks for the recomandations!

Great to know that Android works for two, I and the wife both are very intrigued by it.