Command cards - timing issue

By Belerophon709, in Warhammer: Diskwars

Hi all,

Our group had a question that we couldn't find a clear-cut answer for...

When playing command cards with specific abilities, such as Lure or Push (Hero:Empower), do you have to make use of the ability first thing, or could you, for instance, activate a disk first, move said disk, and then use the ability?

In effect: Can I move Karl Franz before I use the ability to empower a disk within short range?



The Effect of this specific Command Cards can be used any time until discarded after before moving..doasn't matter.

In effect: Yes You can.

In effect 2 : You can use it on Karl even if he was already activated in previous turn of Command Card usage , even if he is activated even if he is pinned in combat.

Edit3 : Yes Karl is just OP ;) Kiddin...

Edited by garhan

The abilities can be used before or after any of your activations. I agree, the answer is yes. This is often important and useful. You mention the Empower ability but this has tremendous importance in cards like Rally, Nurgle Rot and others where you may get closer to a specific disk before activating it and even more so in Blood for the Blood God where you may not even be engaged to any disk when you play it.

I would say ot has even more importance when for example You bait a Hero or another disk of high importance into fighting your silly cheap disk...and then You come closer with your hero and empower this cheap disk...and all of a sudden he is a threat to an important enemy disk:) so fun...