Does anyone know if I will need the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core book to play Age of Rebellion? Or will Age of Rebellion have the core rules included?
Will Age of Rebellion have stand alone rules?
You will not need the EotE core. It will come with the core rules.
Yes, It has a rules section. It's the same section that's in EotE. Hopefully with any errata fixed.
It's got the Duty rules for AoR players as opposed to Obligation in EoE, but I believe there was an update to the errata put out during beta updates reconciling the two, so I would expect that to be included in the finished CRB for AoR.
FFG Designed Age of Rebellion, Force & Destiny and Edge of the Empire to be entirely separate games that happen to use the same basic rules.
So if you only want to play Age of Rebellion, you need only the Age of Rebellion branded materials. Purchasing Edge of Empire materials is purely optional if you only want Age of Rebellion.
Im sorry, Force & Destiny? Is this another upcomming core rules for the game?
Yeah its the one focused on the Jedi and the Force.
Im sorry, Force & Destiny? Is this another upcomming core rules for the game?
FFG is doing their SW game in a three part series.
Edge of the Empire: Fringes of society, people operating outside the law, little guy trying to make it in a big galaxy.
Age of Rebelion: Rebellion against the empire, more militaristicly focused careers, the quest to overthrow the empire.
Force and Destiny: Um... we're not really sure. It's supposed to have the rules for creating and playing full fledged force users (jedi, etc.) but we don't know details yet. The Beta book should be out Q3 2014 by my rough guess.
Thank you for all the replies and information. It will be useful to decide which books to buy.
The products are effectively split as follows:
Core Rulebooks
These books contain the base rules for the game system, along with unique rules to each game system
These books increase character creation options, new skill trees, epic skills, etc. While designed to enhance the classes in a particular rulebook, I have no doubt that you could buy Supplements for AoR and use them entirely on EotE characters if you so choose.
Adventure Books
The first Adventure released in each product line is with the GM screen.
Always a worthy purchase.
These books are stand alone adventures, designed to work within the setting which they are branded. Ie, EotE Adventure Books are designed for EotE character classes and the EotE Obligation rule set. AoR will most likely be more militaristic/Duty focussed adventure books. However, with a little re-jigging, a party of characters from all 3 rulebooks or an entire party from a separate rulebook will easily be able to participate in the adventure.
Setting Books
Books, like Sons of Fortune, are designed to give detailed information on a region of space that would be of interest for people running a particular campaign. Sons of Fortune was all about the Corellian system and the type of fringe life and creatures you can expect for groups who wish to travel and take part in adventures in that system. It can be assumed that Setting books for AoR will focus around areas important to the Rebel struggle against the empire with F&D may focus on the sectors of space containing Jedi temples/force sensitive locations like Dagobah.
I'm an old school WEG gamer and the games we are used to playing are Rebels mixed with criminals doing a mix of these sorts of adventures. If we want to play these games using the Fantasy Flight rules am I safe just getting the Age of Rebellion Core book and then just adding Edge of Empire rules as needed? I'm still unsure what the differences are between the two rulebooks other than flavor. Thanks for your patience.
Core rules are the same. EoE has careers you would expect on the rim, AoR has more military focused careers. They can be used interchangeably. The two have a different background character hook, Obligation in EoE and Duty in AoR, but that's not a big deal.
I would say if you prefer being Rebels you are very safe with just getting AoR, although personally I just like having all the careers.
Edited by 2P51