Help: Which Expansion to get first?

By karpluker, in Mansions of Madness

I just got Mansions of Madness for Christmas, and I've already played it six times. My friends and I love it (we have all the Arkham expansions and have been playing it for years). Can anyone recommend which Mansions expansion to get first? Is there any expansion that addresses typo's or anything and re-issues cards? Really, what adds the most and is the FIRST and MUST have. Thanks!

If you love the story led elements of following a scary story then King in Yellow or any pre call of the wild PODs (any apart from the laboratory)

if you want less story more open ended clues I would say the laboratory or call of the wilds, but those stories become strategy games like descent in arkham rather than the story driven masterpiece this game should have been.

i love this game for the narration so Im not a big fan of call of the wild (its still great) but doesn't keep the story together imo, there is a coop scenario in there but personally it has very little actual story and is trying to make the game something it isn't. (there are a good number of games about zombie survival)

forbidden Alchemy gives you some reprints of its cards cant remember if its for original too I have a feeling it is.

finally welcome to the game, its my best.

Edited by Lilikin