My friends and I have got three sessions of gaming in. We've really enjoyed this system, despite being lifelong D&D / Pathfinder gamers. There have been a few issues raised in our early experiences with this RP platform though. Please help us out.
1) Jaded Talent - What is considered a Terror of the Warp? Since there is no trait with that name, I assume it is up to the GM. Against daemons is it useless? Can you shrug while face to face with a carnifex?
2) Warp Weapons - Do weapons and creatures with this rule ignore vehicle armor? It seems appropriate to think that a daemon blade would scythe through carapace but perhaps a Leman Rus. How have you all handled this?
3) Skills - We like the system a great deal, but it seems ridiculous to have -20 to everything but a select few starting skills. Definitely makes sense for specialized knowledge such as hotwiring & piloting a valkyrie or speaking with authority on a subject that you would have little concept of (daemon anatomy, interracial coupling on a frontier world half the Segmentum away). But athletics, awareness, deception, stealth, is foolish that these do not start as known skills. We have house ruled that all skills are 'known' (use basic ability modifier) except for those deemed 'specialized'. This is a fundamental change I know, but morale was flagging when reasonably seasoned troopers could not manage the most basic things. I understand circumstantial modifiers and used them liberally when conditions were favorable, but it shouldn't be an uphill battle to set a character up to succeed in a pull up. Just got out of hand. Ttoughts?