Situation: Three player game, Journey Down the Anduin, Thalin (one of the heroes on the table).
Games progresses along, going through the encounter deck and deal with the Eastern Crows as they come up. Deck gets down to three cards, which are the crows. Staging portion of the quest begins, first crow hits the table, surge kicks off, then Thalin's response kicks off killing the crow, shuffles back into the deck. Then we deal with the next crow because of the surge then go through the same sequence.
We didn't know what to do, so we shuffled the discards back into the deck. My question is, does Thalin's effect take precedence over the surge effect, or is it the other way. Or, does surge kick off on each crow, then resolve Thalin's response, thus killing all the crows, which are shuffled back into the deck, which would be just those three cards, ending the potential of a loop?