This thread split from my other thread: Galaxy Mapper and Setback Dice
OK, so I spent some the better part of this week with what is written in the book, and looking at Beyond the Rim to see how their astrogation checks were put together, and I think I have it down pretty good.
Reconciling the Known Astrogation Info - Core Book
The the key sentences in the Core Book in the astrogation skill and the astrogation section says the following:
- under ideal conditions , this requires an Easy (*) check .
- difficulty is based upon the area being targeted and the distance being traveled
- travel to a nearby system along a well established route is generally an Easy (*) check
the difficulty increases based on the accuracy of navigational information and other factors.
Base Calculation Difficulty is based on initial accuracy of the maps and then minimums are set based on distance in the first two tables. These two tables basically reconciles all 4 base statements in the core book in setting the base difficulty based on maps and distance traveled.
The possible exception of the last one, which could mean general accuracy or where they are out-of-date or not. The basic mods given in the book say that as well, but this violates the internal consistency of the way base difficulty and setback die work. Difficulty Dice represent the base difficulty and setback die represent complications: ie - out of date maps. So, in my opinion the +1 difficulty rating due to maps being out of date, counterfeit, etc should be turned into setback dice to be internally consistent with game mechanics, and, fortunately, to give sbd for Galaxy Mapper (and other talents) to be useful. This is also reflected in the Beyond the Rim astrogation checks to which you will see in a moment.
Reconciling Beyond the Rim Astrogation Info
Below is listed the astrogation options from this adventure:
Option 1: Part I - jump from the Wheel which is located in the Besh Gordan system (mid rim) along the Perlemian Route which is listed as average (2 diff die) since this major hyperspace route is regularly updated. My tables show that this would start at 1 diff due to it being along a major hyperspace route with a minimum of 2 diff due to distance (within/between region) which results in a 2 difficulty.
Option 1: Part II - jump to the Cholgann from the end of the Perlemian Route is listed as hard (3 diff dice) with 2 sbd due to out of decades old out of date maps. This is where I set the baseline for my sbd calculation modifiers - 2 sbd for decades old maps, and this also shows that map accuracy should be handled by sbd. My tables set the difficulty at hard since they are in the outer rim with a min of 3 difficulty since this may be between sectors with 2 sbd for decades old maps.
Option 2: Direct Jump: The Cholganna system according to wikipedia and as referred to in the adventure puts it @ T-5 on the map in the book and off the beaten path at the end of the major Perlemian Hyperspace route. The Cholganna is not shown on the map in the book, but it is most likely there @ T-5 near the Drongar System. The book states that a route to this system is uncharted and is handed a 4 difficulty astrogation check. My tables below would also do as such - never mapped - difficulty 4. (This is also used to set the upper bound on the base difficulty)
Reconciling info from the Corellian Shuffle from Sons of Fortune
OK, this took me a little bit to figure out, but reading the whole modular encounter does help. This introduces the idea of microjumps and precision microjumps. This combined along with some stuff in Beyond the Rim (arriving @ a base of medium range), and it looks pretty good. Microjumps are wi/ system jumps and normally an issue and are 1 round easy (1 dd) astrogation check. For precision microjumps (arrive locations at a exact location in space),ups the difficulty, which results in the following being added to the charts:
1 rnd calc time for micro jumps
Edited by FreeXenon
My New Astrogation Rules
Base Calculation Difficulty (how well originally mapped)Choose most limiting: traveling from or traveling todiff example1 diff near major hyper routes; very well mapped (~core)2 diff near minor hyper routes; moderately well mapped (~inner rim)3 diff off the beaten path; slightly mapped (~outer rim)4 diff unknown space; never mappedMinimum Base Difficulty ( based on distance)(see post below, I have edited the last half of table quite a bit)min diff. calc time distance1 diff 1 rnd within system1 diff 1-4 rnds within sector2 diff 5-8 rnds within/between regions3 diff 9-14 rnds across 1 whole region+4 diff 15-20 rnds across 3 whole regions+5 diff 21-25 rnds across 5 whole regions+Calculation Modifiers (how recently updated)Choose most limiting: traveling from or traveling to time example1 sbd a few months or yrs old2 sbd a few decades old (< 50 yrs)3 sbd 50-100 years-- > 100 years consider unmapped)For my personaly tastes I would change the last entry (>100 yrs) and add the following to show that such foolish things are dangerous:1 upgr/2 sbd > century2 upgr/1 sbd never mappedAll I had for this table was from Beyond the Rim's decades old at 2 sbd, and the rest is flavored to taste. In my opinion jumping into a system that has never been mapped or really out of date maps should be dangerous reflecting the upgrades to show as much. Now the Option 2 from Beyond the rim would have been 2 difficulty dice/2 challenge dice/1 sbd with this. So, for most this will be adjust to gaming tastes.Astrogation Circumstantial Modifiers+difficulty description3 dd dmg/missing navicomp/astromech1 dd quick/emergency calcs (-3 rnds)1 dd ship slightly dmg'ed1 dd arrival wi/ short range2 dd arrival wi/ close2 dd ship heavily dmg'ed1 sbd (precision) use hyperdrive < class 5 else +1 sbdAbove is a more standard look and includes only the base table from the book. I would, however, split the first entry into 2 and then add some upgrades to show that such things are truly dangerous and should not be contemplated lightly.1 upgr & 2 dd dmg/navicomp/astromech3 upgr missing navicomp/astromechI have gone back and forth on this one, but now that I have a more consistent system that follows the rules and examples FFG has shown us, I have come back to keeping the base modification dice, dropping the one about out of date maps, since it should not be there, and should be a sbd based modifier. I did convert the +3 dd from damaged/missing navicomp/astromech to upgrades/dd instead to reflect that performing that calculations by hand is really dangerous. Of course that will be flavor to taste too. Keeping it as is in the book should work just fine too.Triumph and Despairs, etcCalculations1 success reduce calc time (-1 rnd per)1 triumph compete calcs in min time; instant microjump2 triumph calcs done now (stored calc)1 threat increase calc time (+1 rnd per)1 despair calcs done in max time +50%2 despair calcs done in max time +200%Travel (arrive at base of medium range)1 success better location (-1 rng band per)1 advantage reduce travel time or locate stop overs1 triumph min travel time; new minor route; other new info/new planet/etc2 triumph new major route; other new info/new planet/etc1 threat worse location (+ 1 range band); ⇑ travel time1 despair in light/med. asteroid/debris field; in grav. field/interdictor; near pirates/combat (med.);2 despair in hvy asteroid/debris field; active battle ground (close); plot person setting a trap;Equipment2 threat minor navcomp/drive misalignment (1 setback die to astro checks) [mech or comp 5-10 min];hyperspace turbulence - 2 ship strain3 threat major navcomp/drive misalignment (2 setback die to astro checks) [mech or comp 20 - 30 min];hyperspace turbulence - 4 ship strain1 despair hyperdrive/navicomp minor break2 despair hyperdrive/navicomp component critcalAstrogation Rules on Wayfarer Action Sheet