Nowhere to Hide

By Cymbel, in Game Mechanics

So the talent as seen in Update 6 basically states, "Reduce Cover by DoS (and if no DoS because of the test, just 1)"

1. So the reduction occurs after the hit took place, but what happens with multiple hits?

2. What scenarios would not have a roll for DoS? I only can think of flame and nades, but wouldn't those ignore the cover potentially?

This talent confuses me. Does it count the cover's strength as DoS points lower for the purposes of the attack, or does it PERMANENTLY reduce the cover's strength by DoS points? There is a very, very big difference between the two options.


Edited by Brother Orpheo

Weasels, it does seem to be the latter (at least how I read it)

When damaging cover, the character adds his degrees of success from the attack to the reduction of the cover’s armour value.

Which seems to imply the stage AFTER dealing the damage, because Cover isn't reduced until after the attack IIRC. The second bit is also confusing though

If using a weapon that does not require a skill test, he adds 1 instead.

Huh, that does seem to be the RAW but it makes no sense to me. I believe I just mentally edited the ability to the first (more sensible) form when I initially read it. I interpreted it as shooting through walls Judge Dredd-style rather than blowing apart walls with a single well-placed hand cannon shot. This would also explain why people were so against the first draft of the Arbitrator ability -- why would Arbites officers receive training in the efficient dismantling of reinforcing walls?

If the designers' intent was to just make shooting through walls easier rather than allow players to destroy cover in a couple shots, the ability should be reworded. Maybe it could say something like:

"Whenever the character makes an attack that hits a piece of cover, he treats its Armor value as being DoS points lower for the purpose of resolving that attack."

Would it be best for someone to message FFG at this point?

On one hand, we have a talent that either just rips apart cover (even if you don't deal damage) or one that lets you ignore cover...

However, I can see a shotgun messing up some cover, why I can't say the same for it penetrating through...

Would it be best for someone to message FFG at this point?

On one hand, we have a talent that either just rips apart cover (even if you don't deal damage) or one that lets you ignore cover...

However, I can see a shotgun messing up some cover, why I can't say the same for it penetrating through...

Just sent them an email :) When I receive a reply I'll post it here.
