So I was playing tonight, finally trying to beat the Passage through Mirkwood scenario with a Spirit/Tactics deck. I am finding it really hard for some reason. Eowyn quests and since there are so few allies for these spheres in the core set, my other heros have to defend...which leaves nobody to attack and the bad guys just build up until I am overwhelmed.
Tonight I finally beat the scenario (naturally I had Beorn's Path and then had U.S. come into play anyway during the 3rd stage).
It all hinges on a rule clarification though. I had an event card called Hasty Stroke which says I can "cancel a shadow effect just triggered during combat".
Is the shadow effect the shadow card? Or is it the actual "shadow text" on a shadow card?
The shadow card was Necromancer's Reach Treachery. If applied, it would have killed two heros and my Northern Tracker ally. I would have lost the game without a doubt in the next round. Instead, I used the event card to cancel the shadow effect of the treachery card. I believe this is allowed as the treachery card was the "shadow" effect during the combat phase right? Or is it not allowed because a treachery card doesn't actually have any "shadow text"?