Is it possible? Use actions between exploring active location and placing progress tokens on the current quest card?
I ask it by cause of the next situation:
1. Boromir leadership was in play with Visionaly leadership in play (so all gondors characters had +1 wp). All commited characters could win the game with all their wp (in the current quest phase of 3b card).
2. In quest it was revealed Druadan Elite (it had prowl 1 - and my heroes only had 1 resource, the one of Boromir-)
3. Active location was Garden of Poisons. With it in play you can't add extra resources (Boromir had Steward of Gondor attached - and not exhausted, of course -)
4. Within resources on Boromir i could explore location, but not win the game (not enough progress tokens on the 3b)., the question is:
*** One time i have explored location, and before closing 3rd step of quest phase, can i use Stewards of Gondor and place 2 resources on Boromir and my gondor characters gain +1 wp, and..... win the game?
Edited by Mndela