Astra Militarium

By Lightbringer, in Only War

So here is a rundown on the changes/new stuff:

- Sanctioned Psykers are renamed to Wyrdvane Psykers

- Storm Troopers are renamed to Tempestus Scions

- Hydras are now open-topped

- Ministorum Priests have a new (stock!) ability that is very similar to the True Faith Talent in the RPGs - OW Priests with True Faith as a starting Talent? Yes please!

- Enginseers have a new ability that allows them to buff nearby tanks.

- Bullgryns: Ogryn heavy infantry

- Slabshields: massive handheld shields that offer better protection when clamped together into a wall. I would love to see something like this in OW!

- Grenadier gauntlets: Ogryn-sized frag grenade launchers

- Brute shields: shields that confer an invulnerable save and improve assault

- Taurox: this one looks much better with wheels:

TuramWheeled2_zps66bf46ea.jpg - Hotshot volley guns: some sort of rapid firing hotshot lasguns.

- Wyverns: artillery vehicle with rapid-firing flechette mortars. Sounds cool, but looks rather stupid.

And I guess that's all.


That list sounds horrible. Perhaps I need to re-think my stance on always sticking to GW's material and "lock down" my interpretation of the setting from 2nd to 5th Edition.

Yeah, most of that annoys the poop out of me. Wyrdvane? Feh. Wyvern? I'll just deploy mortar teams, Colossi or Gryphons, thank you very much. Tempestus Scions? *THppptttbbttpb*. Stormtroopers, maybe Militiates Tempestus for a formal term. In some cases, maybe Cataphractoi.

Taurox with wheels? Just a different pattern, no opinion.

For Bullgryns I will reserve judgement- although for heavily armoured abhumans go play Deathwatch/use an Ultrasmurfs army.

Slab shields might be cool, especially for Arbites. Brute shields seem stupid, but only because I have never understood why a Terminator couldn't shield-bash with a storm shield in the first place. Doesn't count as a close combat weapon my left nut, that's a power 'shield' if ever I saw one.

Ministorum Priests are the same as in the Sisters codex, I think.

Wyrdvane Psykers are pretty much psyker conscripts. They are not sanctioned psykers but all sorts of "scrap and trash" from the Schola Psykana sent to the battlefield to die and/or make themselves useful. Oh, and they are essentially full-time guardsmen and not freak pariahs (on the language of OW: they would be a guardsman class and not a specialist class).

I consider this as an example of contradictory fluff. I'm reasonably sure that all conscript-level psykers are lining up to be fed to the Golden Throne.

I consider this as an example of contradictory fluff. I'm reasonably sure that all conscript-level psykers are lining up to be fed to the Golden Throne.

The Wyrdvanes are the thin line between "Golden Throne fuel" and "good for Sanctioning". They have too much training for the GT but they are also too weak for Sanctioning.

If you can rationalize it, then that's fine- Were I forced to accept this and rationalize it, I would do so by calling the wyrdvanes those sanctioned psykers who have been called to service before they were fully sanctioned, before they were ready.

Because, to me, any psyker not good enough for sanctioning is by definition Thronefuel. I see the line as being so thin as to be nonexistent.

Description of Wyrdwane reminds me of Imperial Battlepsykers as presented in Gaunt´s Ghost´s Only in Death .

I reserve my judgement to the time I read the codex. But I think Wywern is quite cool and would benefit of alternate ammunition (ForgeWorld pretty please?). Yeah and is hot-shot volleygun basically a hellgun equivalent of LMG? In RPGs we should nt be restricted by tabletop rules, for example I consider Tauro s automatic grenade launcher useful squad support weapon and want more death-gas shells for everything

Description of Wyrdwane reminds me of Imperial Battlepsykers as presented in Gaunt´s Ghost´s Only in Death .

I agree, Torog. I haven't read the new book yet, but I read this as an attempt to reconcile older Imperial Guard background on sanctioned psykers with Dan Abnett's very different treatment of Guard psykers.

In the old background, sanctioned psykers were trusted (to a degree) to live with their powers without being soul bound or killed. They weren't loved or trusted by the Guardsmen, but they were respected.

Abnett's treatment of Guard psykers was very different...and pretty horrific: "ears clipped off with industrial shears" was the (awful) image that stuck with me. They were herded around like cattle (complete with cattle prods) and used as psychic batteries/suicide weapons thrown at Daemons. Abnett's psykers were treated like disposable subhuman slaves.

I seem to recall the previous guard codex allowed psyker squads and primaris psykers. I guess these Wyrdwane are effectively the dregs of those with psychic potential available to the guard... An interesting new development.

My thoughts on the changes:-

- Sanctioned Psykers are renamed to Wyrdvane Psykers

I don't like the name, but the approach sounds interesting.

- Storm Troopers are renamed to Tempestus Scions

A slightly jarring copyright-related name change for old timers like myself, but pretty much harmless in the long run.

- Hydras are now open-topped

Odd, but harmless.

- Ministorum Priests have a new (stock!) ability that is very similar to the True Faith Talent in the RPGs

Interesting, and probably fun.

- Enginseers have a new ability that allows them to buff nearby tanks.

Fun, harmless.

- Bullgryns: Ogryn heavy infantry

I like what I see of these. I've heard grumbles about the minis, but I like them.

- Slabshields: massive handheld shields that offer better protection when clamped together into a wall.


- Grenadier gauntlets: Ogryn-sized frag grenade launchers

Actually don't like these weapons on the bullgryn minis-they look like sawn off bazookas- but that's a matter of personal taste.

- Brute shields: shields that confer an invulnerable save and improve assault

I like the idea of these and the execution in the minis

- Taurox

I liked this at first, then went off it, now I like it a lot. Even with tracks I think it's fun, but I agree it looks better with wheels. I expected a jeep/humvee equivalent rather than something this large, but I do think it's an interesting and novel new Guard vehicle.

- Hotshot volley guns: some sort of rapid firing hotshot lasguns.

Could be fun

- Wyverns: artillery vehicle with rapid-firing flechette mortars. Sounds cool, but looks rather stupid.

I really like the mini. I know it looks like a sawn-off Hydra, but it looks ugly in a good way, like a lethal military machine... This is how Guard vehicles SHOULD look.

- Hydras are now open-topped

Odd, but harmless.

I disagree. As someone who had the "fun" of piloting an open-topped Sentinel as a TB3 W8 Operator, I would like to point out the fact that there is a world of difference between a close-topped and an open-topped vehicle.

I don't get the Wyrdvane & Tempestus Scion names. What's the supposed meaning?

I don't get the Wyrdvane & Tempestus Scion names. What's the supposed meaning?

"Wyrd" is a real term in the 40k verse, it translates to "witch"/wild psyker. Wyrdvane is probably "okayish witch"/"our wild psyker". Tempestus is dog-latin for storm, Tempestus Scion is like "storm son" = ~storm trooper.

I don't get the Wyrdvane & Tempestus Scion names. What's the supposed meaning?

"Wyrd" is a real term in the 40k verse, it translates to "witch"/wild psyker. Wyrdvane is probably "okayish witch"/"our wild psyker". Tempestus is dog-latin for storm, Tempestus Scion is like "storm son" = ~storm trooper.

It's actually the -vane I'm having trouble with. Used that way it basically means 'a witch flapping in the wind.' The word vane by itself means standard, but even reading it as that, it doesn't make any sense to me.

The Storm Sons, I guess does make sense of sorts. Though it seems kind of unfortunate given the other uses of both words in the setting.

Consider the following: The purpose of a weathervane is typically to give you an idea of what the weather is doing. Wyrdvane presumably is around to give you some idea what the warp is doing. If one spontaneously explodes, be concerned- incoming warpstorm or Daemonic invasion or something.

I may not like them because I dislike a perceived contradiction in fluff, but I think I can parse the new name at least!

Re: Ministorum True Faith- I am okay with this.

Re: Grenadier Gauntlets- look kinda dumb on the mini. Not impressed- why didn't they just give them grenade launchers, or ripper guns, or something?

For those in possession of new Guard dex, is there any interesting new fluff? 5th Ed. had some cool history battles (Death Korps on diplomatic mission comes to the mind), also are there any new memorable regiments presented? Or some more obscure ones, such as Kanaks or Terraxans?

The Storm Sons, I guess does make sense of sorts. Though it seems kind of unfortunate given the other uses of both words in the setting.

"Scion" is a pretty clever term, because it can have multiple meanings - amongst them "guardian" or "descendent", specifically "heir to the throne". So in a way, they are the Sons of the Imperium, by virtue of being wardens of the state and amongst the best the Schola Progenium can produce.

And it's not actually Latin, though, but normal, if somewhat outdated English - with the word's origin being in the Proto-Germanic language (a competitor for Latin).

I would have never, ever, made it the "prime name" for these troops, however. And I would not have mixed it with "Tempest".

For those in possession of new Guard dex, is there any interesting new fluff? 5th Ed. had some cool history battles (Death Korps on diplomatic mission comes to the mind), also are there any new memorable regiments presented? Or some more obscure ones, such as Kanaks or Terraxans?

I've seen a few excerpts on dakka, and the book does seem to retcon a number of things. Amongst them it has raised the number of Storm Trooper regiments from "one" to "lots". Whilst I personally dislike this change, I know at least some people here will be glad to see it. For what it's worth, this change ought to tie in better with FFG's vision of the setting now, too.

As for regiments, the new book seems to feature detailed descriptions for some of these new Scion regiments:

55th Alphic Hydras

9th Iotan Gorgonnes

I don't know if it contains similar texts for any normal Guard units, though.

Also, the Imperial Guard Astra Militarum has had its organisation expanded by being split into four branches: Militarum Vendorum, Militarum Ordinatus, Militarum Auxilia, Militarum Tempestus, and Militarum Regimentos. The terms aren't explained, but I'm assuming this means quartermasters, artillery, abhumans (or just militias?), storm troopers and standard regiments.

The Militarum Ordinatus is the super-heavy branch.

Also, there is a story in the codex about a bunch of Catachans fighting a desperate battle against orks and planning to torch a planet with a deathstrike warhead.

Consider the following: The purpose of a weathervane is typically to give you an idea of what the weather is doing. Wyrdvane presumably is around to give you some idea what the warp is doing. If one spontaneously explodes, be concerned- incoming warpstorm or Daemonic invasion or something.

"Lord Captain, a Commisar in one of the troop holds just reported a Wyrdvane explosion."

"Very well, inform the Navigator he can stand down. Looks like we won't be entering Warp for another week. "

Literally laughing out loud at this, but it is indeed very 40K :D

The fluff I don't know how to describe it. In the timeline they talk about Cadians, Cathachan, Steel legion..then the Forguiltion Gournious. Like someone bashed a keyboard a few times, got words that looked like words and made a homeworld and regiment to show that the guard is more than a dozen or so themed armies the reader saw a couple of pages before.

Rather boring if you ask me..I sorta skipped that and got to the meat and potatoes well beofre I read the fluff

Well, my book finally came, and along with the good came the bad. There's a few things gone that I might miss, but the pointless thing I awaited this the most for is right there, and kind of nerfed as hell; they call him CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDD!!! Yep, I was hoping he'd be better, if not too hard, or even as good, but it seems someone said "hey, what should we make the Warlord traits for IG? Umm, let's see what their already there leaders do." Then they took those, made a list, and took them all from Creed. I like that he gets two, but now he's so potentially random, and not as good, for maybe 10 less points. I'd live with most of it, but his range nerf is just terribad; there's very little there now that makes Creed Creed.

Oh well, there is some other cool stuff, too, so I won't just sit here and *****.

So, are Storm Troopers (-I'm not going to adopt the new term for every-day use) still included as an option in Imperial Guard (-like I said...) armies, or do I have to buy the separate Tempestus-Whatever Codex to get their 'official' stats?

And are there any new Abhuman troop types?

Edited by Adeptus-B

They're still typical Elite options, like always. If you take them as a deparate detachment, however, from their codex they are Troops, and so scoring units. They also come in platoon bits now, like other Infantry, so your group will have 0-1 MT Command Squads and 1-3 MT Scion Squads.

I don't mean to dis on the codex, but this is the one where more things were lost than gained. They got revamped Storm Troopers, a Taurox, and an alternate Hydra with the Wyvern, also Tank Aces, but they lost Al'Rahem, Chenkov, Bastonne, Marbo, Creed got nerfed, they dropped artillery options, and no other really new units. No new Abhumans, unless you find Bullgryns different than Ogryns. Ratlings got improved. I'm not sure what I really wanted that I didn't get, but you might need some Imperial Armor optional rules to keep a few things around, and maybe hope that a splatbook will come down that brings back a few options, or such.