Mobile - question

By garhan, in Warhammer: Diskwars


Just a quick question about mobile ability. The Rulebook states that i can use my focus ability after or before movement when my disk have Mobile ability. Its all easy for me when it comes to characters like Pistoliers but...:

- What about Sun Dragon and Volkmar the Grim. Both of those characters are mobile YET both of them need to be activated in order to use his focus ability ( dragon spits fire , volkmar empowers the disk) . So my question is can i still use focus abilities with those character same round for example : Move my dragon and spit fire ( and it will give me just one activation? ) Dunno why but thats just not clear for me.

- About Sun Dragon - its states on his disk that he deals damage to all disks engaged with the my question is what about scrums? Example : Sun dragon is using focus ability aganst Knight Panther that just engaged militia spearmen that were already in engagement against marienburg swordsmen. So my interpretation is that Sun dragon deals damage only to militia spearmen and knight panther since those are the only engaged targets...but maybe im wrong and swordsmen also takes damage?! HEEELP

Edited by garhan

You seem to have understood something basically wrong.

In the activation phase you can normally:

either a) move your disk by flipping it

or b) use magic keyword

or c) use ranged attack

or d) use focus ability...

So it's usually only one of the four options for a standard disk.

Being mobile a disk can:

a) move by flipping it


b) use magic keyword

or c) use ranged attack

or d) use focus ability...

The activation of options b) - d) can then take place both before or after movement.

Hope that helped..

- About Sun Dragon - its states on his disk that he deals damage to all disks engaged with the my question is what about scrums? Example : Sun dragon is using focus ability aganst Knight Panther that just engaged militia spearmen that were already in engagement against marienburg swordsmen. So my interpretation is that Sun dragon deals damage only to militia spearmen and knight panther since those are the only engaged targets...but maybe im wrong and swordsmen also takes damage?! HEEELP

Rules seem to say that all tokens/disks overlapping are engaged no matter if they are actually pinning, but I'd have to check on that.

Edit: Well I looked it up and my initial thoughts seem to be wrong. A disk is only engaged if it pins or is pinned by another disk (the one it is engaged with).

So in your example:

a) knight panther engaged with militia spearman (Dragon targeting Knight panther deals damage to both disks)

b) militia spearman is engaged with knight panther and marienburg swordsmen (Dragon targeting spearmen deals damage all three disks)

c) marienburg swordsman is engaged with militia spearman (Dragon targeting swordsmen deals damage to both disks)

At least that is how I see it.

Edited by Ser Folly

Thanks for answer and yes that helps.

And "engage" is not "ally vs enemy disk" ?

No, the Sun Dragon can and will hit allies. Fire doesn't care who it toasts.

Same with Impact. If you flip Boar Riders over Ork Boyz for movement, Ork Boyz get squished.

Edited by Westonard

Rulebook - pg.19

Engages: "A disk engages an enemy disk when one of those disks pins the other. Both disks are considered to have engaged each other".
That is, if my disk Pinning my other disk, it do not Engages.

The Sun Dragon specificaly says "Deal d6 to target disk within medium range and all targets engaged with that disk " Bolding is mine. The Sun Dragon's ability does not care if it hits allies or not. Just like you can scatter onto friendly units, the sun dragon can toast your own units.

In your example, the Knights Panther piled in on a scrum. If you target just the Knights Panther, then it will hit the Knights and the spearmen since those two are fighting their own separate engagement. if you target the spearmen, and you can target your own disks, you will hit all three disks, since the Spearmen is engaged with both the Swordsmen and the Knights Panther. You can have both an attack and a defense engaged situation. Ser Folly listed all three resolutions correctly.

Edit: Re reading what you said, yes, if you have Knights Panther overlapping your own unit for some reason, and the Sun Dragon flies up, then yes, he would only toast one of them. He would choose which he is attacking and then roll the damage die to see how much he hurts it for.

Edited by Westonard

:blink: Obviously Ksedih is right. I didn't even think abou it once that all three discs are from the same faction. Just didn't occur to me that one could see allies as being engaged...Sorry for that mistake and perhaps the confusion.

That said, the Boar riders/any unit with impact will hit your own disks if you flip over them for movement. Impact is not engaged damage, it is when it pins another disk and you can pin your own disks.

That said, the Boar riders/any unit with impact will hit your own disks if you flip over them for movement. Impact is not engaged damage, it is when it pins another disk and you can pin your own disks.

Yes, but talking about Dragon (the wording).

Edited by Ksedih