Making X-wing Tokens Sexy!

By StupidPanic, in X-Wing

X-wing has a lot of tokens and card board bits!
On the whole they are pretty OK.
But they are let down by the brown card board edge... yukky.
Lots of companies sell acrylic ones and they look pretty cool.
I recently attended a tournament and one of the attendees had some amazing looking tokens.
He had hand painted the edges with acrylic paints and they looked great, but he said it took him 4 Evenings to hand paint.
I figured there had to be a easier way?
And then I saw these.
I bought the 4 colours that made the most sense. The pens were £4 each... quite expensive.
Black lime green, red and aqua blue!
Using Black
I got excited the asteroid edges looked great!
I then spent 4 hours painting token edges!
bloody boring... easy though.
Everything got two coats of paint.
With one coat of paint the colours were alright
But with two coats of paint the colour 'popped' much better..
Movement templates.
Two sets.
Green for the Empire
Red for the Rebels. 578477-.JPG
range rulers. double sided red green trouble...
They look good until you turn it over. oh well..
The little guys.
I picked out what seemed like a reasonable number of each.
20 focus
20 evade
15 stress
10 critical hit
10 ion
5 blue Target locks and the 5 matching Red target locks...
I think they look great!
I'll get some in action photos and add to this thread once I've had a game with them!

A guy on facebook saw my tokens and painted his with GW acrylic paints.
Looking good too!

I did this a couple of nights ago. I then took them to my league games last night. I got a lot of positive comments about them.

One hint: Sharpie makes these pens in an extra-fine tip too, so get those for the target markers to get into the tight angles.

Good job! Funny how some color makes those things pop!

Sweet. I may need to do this after I pick up some markers

Edit: Solved problem my self

Edited by Imperial Rebel

I bought me a fine red to get into the corners of the target locks and finish them.
A Brown for the rebel dials.
I can't find a grey for the imperial dials... So I'll either edge those black, or break out a GW grey.

... and Pink for the new energy tokens when they arrive!

Hoping to get some use out of these on Thursday and get some photos of the edged tokens in a game.



I bought me a fine red to get into the corners of the target locks and finish them.

A Brown for the rebel dials.

I can't find a grey for the imperial dials... So I'll either edge those black, or break out a GW grey.

... and Pink for the new energy tokens when they arrive!

Hoping to get some use out of these on Thursday and get some photos of the edged tokens in a game.


I've seen silver sharpies, that might look nice on those Imperial dials.

How long did you let them dry between coats?

Edited by Nerf Herder


I've seen silver sharpies, that might look nice on those Imperial dials.

I concidered that but It would be the only metalic paint used and I think would look out of place

How long did you let them dry between coats?

I painted the whole set of tokens before going back around them all again.
So over a hour!


These look nice, great work and quite inspiring. I've painted the focus, evade and stress tokens so far with GW paints (Goblin Green and Red Gore, respectively). I had originally tried using some marker pens of Staedtler make, but even after a couple of days the tests would still rub colour off into my hands.

I would love to hear the long term feedback on how these hold up, painted, Sharpie, and others.

I did mine in Magic Marker several months ago, and they are holding up just fine.

Did you have to give them a few coats with the sharpie pen?

I started mine tonight having received the Lime Green pen but they dont seem anywhere near as bright as yours.

He used two coats.

I'm getting my sharpies today, hoping for nice results.

He used two coats.

Youre right, looks like i'm blind.


These look really nice. Ordered some Sharpie markers from eBay!

Copied this idea and the tokens came up looking good. Also painted the edge of the pilot cards for the ship base in red or green which looks really good. Did the manouver dials in black, needed a bit of a rub down when dry and the edges stuck together a bit and needed prising apart. Probably best to do the the 2 halves separately, but look good now done.

Yup the dials look better when done :)

Today I painted my rebel dial edges brown.
First I painted the 'window' cut out.
To do this I slided a piece of normal paper between the dial halves to protect 'mask' the the maneuvers, and the painted the window edges.

After this was dry I removed the paper and painted all the way around the dial.

When it was dry prised the dial halves apart.
And this evening I got a game in. :)
After the game I set my ships up with a few tokens and took another couple of photos.
Edited by Panic

Already started my dials in black (for both sides) They look really nice! So happy with them!

Edited by Imperial Rebel

Office Max has some of these available for only $3.49 apiece. But their color selection isn't very good. On the other hand, I got a Blue and Green for only $0.50 each on sale.

How have these been holding up?

I have some ultra fine colored Sharpies. Do you think they would work or should I look for the paint Sharpies?

I did mine with the paint sharpies. It comes out thicker than ink would so probably gets absorbed less, hence they "pop" after 2 coats, the first coat seals the edges a bit.

Very cool idea, thanks for sharing!