Anyone out there have a decent dwarf "greed" deck where you hold onto resources? I know thier 3 cost legend benefits from this, and they have other cards with this synergy but I seem to be having a tough time wrapping my mind around how to make this any good. Any help would be appreciated!
Dwarf "greed" deck
This one won't win you any tournaments, but it's certainly fun to play:
A nice surprise start is to play Bordertown and develop Iron Defenders into your Kingdom. And the Helstorm Batteries are expensive to get on the table, but once they are there, they can be quite a nuisance. Especially when you use them unexpectedly after ambushing with Band Together.
Cool deck. Well done. I cannot aggree with you in that "
This one won't win you any tournaments
". A small tunning and this deck is easily would be suitable for a torney.