Red Melee Dice

By Wayfindre, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Anyone know why there are range numbers on the melee dice?

There are a few in game effects that ask for the player to roll a red die and use the range. For example: movement of boulders in the AoD expansion and use of skill Morph on a ranged attack if the red die if included are two examples.

You can use a red die in a ranged attack ? XD...I find that hard to believe since its basically a much more bad ass version of reach.

You can use a red die with Morph on a ranged or magic attack. There requirement is that 1 die match the color based on the damage type. You can add all three to an attack if you want. The down side is that each of them have an X, so there is a greater chance of a miss. I would do it with aim on my side, and deffinitely not with dodge on the defense as my miss odds go way up then. I think a dodge with two dice having an X goes up to about 50% miss chance. That is to high to risk most of the time. With aim the chance is pretty small (5% roughly) for two dice with X's. With no aim or dodge the miss chance is around 30% for two dice.

The numbers are rough, but they do give you an idea of the risks involved.
