Undefended Attacks

By Chris51261, in Rules questions & answers

So while playing through Flies and Spiders I ran into a question regarding undefended attacks. I had defended an attack with Gildor, but the shadow card attached 2 poison to him and he was rendered unconscious, removing him from defending. My question now is: can I declare another ready character as the defender? Or even if all 3 of my heroes are readied does this just immediately become an I undefended attack?

Edited by Chris51261

you'd still be in the middle of resolving the attack and have to complete all the

steps. the attack would br undefended

yes, very nasty that quest. I dont like, because i suffer too much.

Maybe one of the most dificult quests.

I just got through it for the first time today, stalling on the first part of the quest and building up my forces helped a lot. I think what confused me here was they included the "attacking a character" rules, like with Crazy Cob. I thought I had been playing undefended attacks all wrong, but I thought this was how they were. Thanks guys!