Age of Rebellion beginner Game Release Date Query

By copperbell, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

Amazon UK currently has two items listed under this heading, the first has a release date of April 18th but the description below makes it sound like an expansion to the Relic game and the other currently doesn't have a listed release date but is priced at £24.99 currently.

I was wondering if any of you know anything more about this?

Whether the April release is just a misprint and is actually a Relic expansion set or if they are both the same item, now I guess I ought to check the regular Amazon site as well!

Edit: Just checked, no sign... now that is odd!

Maybe both are wrong?

Edited by copperbell

Empire had them. Finally. No more rebel annoyances disturbing the equilibrium of the new, established order.

(just kidding, no idea of what happened. Still, I hope we don't have to wait too long for this one)

Edited by Julia

Never trust when Amazon says something will be released, particularly if it's an RPG product.

In short, when it's due to come out is unknown as FFG has yet to announce a street date. I'd figure April would be a good time to release the AoRBB, assuming the AoR core rulebook will be getting an early May release (which was when the EotE core rulebook was originally scheduled to be released).

Q2 is listed under FFG's upcoming products.

Q2 is listed under FFG's upcoming products.

Which sadly isn't a definite, as Suns of Fortune was originally listed as Q42013, but got pushed back to January (Q12014). Q2 would be anywhere between April, May, and June, so that doesn't exactly narrow down when it will be released.

Sad but true, and it still has an "in development" icon. Hopefully the FFG production department gets to say "Excellent, everything is unfolding just as we have foreseen it." Instead of "There is a great disturbance in the Force, as if hundreds of gamers cried out and were suddenly silenced. "

Never trust Amazon. If you want to know when an item is hitting the UK, check on Esdevium's website since they are the ones who give FFG stock to Amazon UK and local retailers. They are the only ones who know for certain when things are hitting the UK.

I've come to the conclusion that the generic release of products (in quarters) will all be one behind.

Quarter 2? Sorry, we meant to say Quarter 3.

Empire had them. Finally. No more rebel annoyances disturbing the equilibrium of the new, established order.

(just kidding, no idea of what happened. Still, I hope we don't have to wait too long for this one)

Quite right. Now we will have more spare time to get the new state-of-the-art Wookiee pelt coats from AAA (Alien Arts Association).

Edited by Castlecruncher