April 5, Hilton Sofia Hotel, Bulgaria - The Deep plunge Open Pro Tournament is now part of the Chronos Protocol Tour!
Great news! Our Android: Netrunner Open Pro Tournament will be merged as part of the Chronos Protocol Tour , so any attendants will be able to vote for their favorite identity card and will receive a chance to win some great rewards in addition to the cash prizes and the rewards we promised earlier!
As part of the Chronos Protocol Tour, you will have a chance to participate in the most anticipated European Android: Netrunner tournament! Prepare for a truly amazing experience and join us on April 5, 2014 in Hilton Sofia Hotel in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The Deep Plunge v1.0 A:NR tournament will let you play with huge number of other players from around Europe and steal, tag, bag and score to become one of the greatest netrunners in Europe. This is a highly competative, highly prized tournament and it will also boast the opportunity to vote for your favorite Chronos Protocol Identity and receive unique Chronos Protocol rewards!
The Deep Plunge v1.0 Android: Netrunner Open Pro Tournament
The Deep Plunge v1.0 A:NR Open Pro Tournament will begin at 10 AM in Saturday, April 5, 2014 in Hilton Sofia Hotel. You can follow our news feed for more information for the event and other news .
- Start time: 10:00 AM
- Estimated end time: 10:00 PM
- Format: 6-rounds swiss tournament with TOP 8 swiss rounds
- Round time limit: 60 minutes
- 1st prize: $1300, Kate “Mac” McCaffrey: Digital Tinker alternative art card, custom Chronos Protocol Tour messenger bag, exclusive Chronos Protocol Tour playmat
- 2nd place: $250, custom Chronos Protocol Tour messenger bag, exclusive Chronos Protocol Tour playmat
- Top 3: 3 custom Chronos Protocol Tour messenger bags
- Top 8: 8 exclusive Chronos Protocol Tour playmats, Scorched Earth alternative art cards
- Top 16 : Adonis Campaign alternative art card
- First 50 players to sign up: 50 copies of the alternate art card, NBN: Making News
- Random prizes: Sponsor rewards if available
- Authorized Cards: Depending on availability in Europe (will be announced before April 5th!)
- Tournament rules: As per in the official FFG tournament rules excluding the “Match Play” section for elimination rounds.
Questions? Please contact us at [email protected]
Edited by BoardGames.BG