RTL Dungeon Level 38: Throwing Stones

By PASTORJK2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The card reads:

When adjacent to a rubble marker during his turn, Gorg can pick it up and throw it instead of attacking normally. The overlord chooses a direction and rolls two yellow dice to determine range. The rubble marker moves that many spaces in the chosen direction.

This is a rendition of my map as it stands right now.

[R is a rubble token; S is a skeleton; G is where the giant is located; B is a beastman; L is Laughin Buldar; T is Tahlia]


I would like to know everyone's thoughts on how to rule this situation. I know you are supposed to choose the direction before you roll, but I am unsure which directions are viable chooses in my situation. Do players mostly choose the four cardinal directions or do you also use the intermediate directions (diagonal travel)? (I am not going to get into the other eight directions like WNW, ENE, or SSW). I did not choose south because I thought the rubble would stop at the other rubble when it hit it. I rolled a range of five, so the huge rock would have landed directly on Tahlia. I know flying creatures can pass through rubble spaces and a rock thrown through the air is flying, but I don't know how that would work. Do you need line of sight? Obviously, I could throw in physics and say that the rock would hit its peak around space 2 1/2 and start its descent (ignoring friction, the strength of the giant, the angle of upward movement, etc.). The rock would hit the other rock on a downward arc, and thus get stopped before it sails over. What do you guys think.? What happens if it hits a wall. Does it shatter or stop? I ended up choosing west, but ignored the damage for the giant. I am pretty sure a giant won't throw a rock in a path that would hit himself. Now, an ogre on the other hand, maybe.

Here's another situation later in the dungeon. [G is the giant; R is a rubble marker; S is a skeleton; A is Runewitch Astarra; X is an active glyph]


Can the overlord legally say south? What if I roll a 5 again? Is there a rule about not being able to destroy glyphs? If so, would the excess range be negated causing the rubble token to fall on Astarra with a rolled range of 4 or 5? I don't know if anyone has had this same conundrum, but I am open to all thoughts on the subject.

Well, I can tell you how I always play it and its never been a problem for my players. This is not the official word and I'm sure someone else will have a different view.

I treat the rubble attack like a ranged attack, except that the Giant does not have to trace LOS per se (I'll explain that more in a bit). So he can throw it in any direction he wants, along any line he draws. Yes, this does allow the rubble marker to pass through spaces without completely occupying them. If a figure is in that space, it will take damage from the rubble. This typically only happens when its moving on a diagonal. I try to balance this out by saying that if the rubble hits a door, wall, or another rubble token that it stops its movement right there. I have also ruled that once he picks up the boulder, he can have the attack originate from any of the spaces his occupies much the same a Hero can attack in any direction.

I do know plenty of people who have ruled that you can only throw it in a straight line, but I found personally that this places a huge limit on the giant due to his relatively slow movement or who say that the rubble marker has to move from the spot it is in.

I've seen this issues discussed a number of times, and it comes down to a playgroup by playgroup ruling from what I've seen.