Wood Elves

By mr etan, in Warhammer Invasion Deck Building

Hey guys

I just started to play invasion, i'm a complete casual player and have no intention of hitting anything remotely competitive.

I have a couple questions regarding the game.

My favorite army is wood elves, I have the hidden kingdoms and most of the morrslieb cycle, is there any other packs I should get? And can I really play mono wood elves or should I combine them with someone else?

My other question is how long are these games supposed to last. Every time i play the game it usually only lasts a a few turns. Is that normal?

Thanks guys!


Core Set with neutrals supports would be good for you. You can play mono (especially if you don't plan to go to the tournaments).

Games can last few turns (against rush) and 1 hour (dwarf vs dwarf :lol: ).

Excellent! I'm not too worried about the competitiveness of the deck, so I mostly just want to get all the wood elf cards. The link you provided is perfect.


Here's a look at my WE deck - take from this what you will!
