Descent editor?

By squall=goku, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

What is happening with the Descent Editor for creating maps?

Man, I guess we just need to ask for a stickied thread about this up at the top of the forum.

Nothing is happening. No news, no rumors, nothing. People use Photoshop/Coreldraw/Inkscape/editor of your choice to make maps now.

Yea, I would love to see an updated editor with all the bits available from the current expansions.

So what are the current alternatives? Are there templates for use in photoshop etc available?

Big Remy said:

Man, I guess we just need to ask for a stickied thread about this up at the top of the forum.

Nothing is happening. No news, no rumors, nothing. People use Photoshop/Coreldraw/Inkscape/editor of your choice to make maps now.

Are they posting them to the regular quest database? How do we identify quests with the newer expansion content?

To the best of knowledge, there are none for the expansions past WoD.

What about Card ( Monsters, Items, Heroes, Skills, etc .) editors?

I know we're not likely to get anything directly from FFG anytime in the near future, but people have been using fan-created programs to create their own cards for some time.

What's available and what are the pros and cons? Also, where can ya get a copy? gui%C3%B1o.gif