How much the heroes should know...?

By plads, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

bought D2 two weeks ago.

I have been playing with a group of heroes and i am the OL. They have won first blood and i have won the three quests till the interlude. Havent played the interlude yet. My question is:

i found out that sometimes because the heroes didnt know exactly what a token is or does they would be late on activating it or searching it.

For example we played "the cardinal's plight" . Player knowledge could be that the altar is healing cardinal but it definitely isnt hero knowledge (ingame knowledge) as i have seen from the quest guide. Now i think that if u want to play it right, it should be hero knowledge over player knowledge. So what i did: i let the players know that there was an altar but the heroes where late on getting there cause of the first open group and some poor rolls...! If they knew the altar could heal the cardinal they could run there in one action and start using it. Now in the interlude quest "the overlord revealed" , it seems way to hard for the heroes to win. If i let them know how the portals work they might have a chance to win. But shouldnt that happen after they disable one?

Overall should the players know more stuff from the setup or should they be told just the entry text and nothing more? Think of this in term of only player knowledge and hero knowledge. that is what i cant tell.

Thanks in advance!

Read p. 1 of the quest guide.

All data is public knowledge.

I don't grasp the difference you make between player and hero knowledge : heroes know what the players who manage them know.

Descent is not an RPG. The heroes know everything, and are even allowed to read the quest guide themselves before picking the next quest to play (if they won the last.)

There is no division between hero and player knowledge.

Some people choose to play with house rules to create such a division, but that would be up to you and yours to decide how to do it. Note that this would be a significant disadvantage for the hero players, but as long as you're all having fun, that's what counts.