This is a simple gallery for my custom creations. The format may change as I create more types of content.
EDIT: 9/11 - The host for the preview gallery has removed the images, so for now, this page will simply hold a link to the available download page on Board Game Geek.
I hope you all enjoy these; they were a labor of love. I hope to create more quality content like these in the future.
Also, here is a link to the BGG download page for the .EON files. Feel free to customize them or tweak them as you see fit for your variant of the game. That being said, it'd be great if you could leave a comment on either board and refer friends to the gallery/download who might be interested in them as well. I'm secretly hoping for the day I read a session review and hear about the adventures of Eunice Goulding as she takes on Yig in one-on-one combat to save all that ever was or will be. LINK:
A German translation as provided by Sebastian H.: