Part of the fun of Roleplaying games is making your own characters. If this allows you to make your own then I will be really itching for it. If not just Blah!
It looks great, but...
You won't be able to create characters with the BB. Still the box is worth buying for many other reasons.
Ummm... If you wait until the Core Rulebook is released, you will have character creation in spades. In the meantime, why not take a look at Edge of The Empire? Exactly the same, but different...
I think for veterans of the system like us, it can be difficult to remember that this product is not intended for us.
The intent for this product is to introduce new players not only to the AoR setting, or even the Star Wars RPG, but also to introduce people who have never played an RPG before. And in that light, pregens are a fantastic method.
The player can just pick something that sounds cool and dive right on in. no muss, no fuss.
Edited by kaosoeWhile I definitely agree with you, but the maps, the pogs, dice, and adventure are well worth it. Even for a veteran GM. I plan on picking it up myself. Sure, there may be hand holding with the adventure, just as there was with the EotE BB, but for Edge of the Empire characters, I actually enjoyed the adventure. What I did when I ran the BB, I just had the players create their own characters. And will use the AoR beta rules (and subsequent updates) to let players create their own characters And once AoR comes out, we'll modify the Beta characters to AoR CB rules.
I'd rather have the BB, than the Beta any time.
Hmm... could have whisper base actually be a pirate base and your edge team is pulling a Blake 7 perhaps?
Blake 7 into an Age of Rebellion game or leave it just to Edge of the Empire rules... either works!
Now I have even more reason to buy this!
Part of the fun of Roleplaying games is making your own characters. If this allows you to make your own then I will be really itching for it. If not just Blah!
Unfortunately what kaosoe said -- it can be your first taste of the AoR-specific content, but it's meant for people for whom it's their first experience with pen-and-paper tabletop RPGs period , much less any of FFG's Star Wars RPGs.
It is a "Beginner" box, not "Introduction to Age of Rebellion" box.
Anyone who is already playing EotE is probably not in the target market for this.
That said, it looks like the same value as the EotE Beginner Box of which I have two copies.
I enjoyed the EoE BB, mostly to enjoy until the CRB arrived so much, I'd consider getting this as well
Yeah, I'm definitely outside the target market for this product.
I'm also undecided on whether I'll buy it or not. On the upside, hopefully the AoR core rulebook will be released much sooner than the EotE core rulebook was released in the wake of the EotE Beginner Box (6+ months was much too long of a gap).
As for making PCs, I've got a copy of the AoR Beta, so if it comes down to it, I can just let the players make their own characters using that.
I know I don't need it...but I'll buy it. Map, dice, little adventure..$20 or so..I'm cool with that purchase. Plus I kind of like the tokens...
Ah, I remember back when I first played the EotE Beginner Box...
Ii wasn't my first step in RPGs so much, as my brother and I had played a lot of games involving one of us GMing while the other played, but those were all homemade and not too sophisticated. Long story short, I died a lot.
But then, I found the Beginner Box! And, being a smart young lad, I waited a month until my brother inevitably bought it. I got to learn a fun system as I played, I didn't have to pay, and I was able to skip the first chapter of the already overwhelming Core Rulebook.
I'm buying this, hands down. I'll probably be able to find a few recruits to bring into this system...
Part of the fun of Roleplaying games is making your own characters. If this allows you to make your own then I will be really itching for it. If not just Blah!
On the other hand, it's a GREAT tutorial for the game - at least assuming that it's the same sort of thing as the EotE beginners set. It breaks down the basic game mechanics into nice, bite size, easy to learn pieces. When my group was first getting started learning the game, it was exactly what we needed. Now? Not so much.
That said, I'll probably get it anyway - who cant use more dice, the maps were pretty sweet and who knows - the canned game might be worth it (with heavy modifications, of course).
While I definitely agree with you, but the maps, the pogs, dice, and adventure are well worth it.
This...the beginner sets are a great value reagardless. Extra set of dice, maps, token, and adventure.
For EotE, I got the beginner set, but our group didn't get around to playing it until AFTER I got the core rulebook. So, we were able to create our own characters (using the core book) and play the adventure from the beginner box.
It is a "Beginner" box, not "Introduction to Age of Rebellion" box.
Anyone who is already playing EotE is probably not in the target market for this.
That said, it looks like the same value as the EotE Beginner Box of which I have two copies.
I agree that Experienced RPers and those who are already playing EotE are not the primary target for the AoR Beginner box. But, as others have said, the maps, tokens and dice have significant value. While I may not use the included adventure exactly as written, it may still have some cool ideas that I can use. I even have a use for the pre-gens because I often get drop-in players who want to try out the FF Star Wars game. The only part that I don't really need is the abbreviated rule set, since I already have the Beta rules for AoR. There is enough in the AoR Beginner Box that I plan to buy it when it is released.
While I definitely agree with you, but the maps, the pogs, dice, and adventure are well worth it.
This...the beginner sets are a great value reagardless. Extra set of dice, maps, token, and adventure.
For EotE, I got the beginner set, but our group didn't get around to playing it until AFTER I got the core rulebook. So, we were able to create our own characters (using the core book) and play the adventure from the beginner box.
I've also run Edge Starter Adventure using full up PC's. It's a well paced introductory adventure. Very comparable to the pick-a-path in WEG's core books.
Kind of addicted. I figure if I have the money I might as well expand the collection. If I didn't, one beta book, both beginner games and online files would probably see me through. I would like to see a gamemaster edition which would lay the math/rules down forcustomization/tailoring/creation