Quick Draw + Concealed Holster

By Cymbel, in Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta

A concealed holster gives a -20 to find the weapon, but turns the ready action from a half, into a full action

The Quick Draw talent changes the ready action into a free action for pistols and basic weapons as well as for melee weapons that are used one handed.

How do these two talents interact? Does one trump the other? I personally would go that the ready action is halved (normal ready = half -> free), so (concealed ready = full -> half).

as a side question, for a compact weapon in a concealed holster, do the difficulty effects stack?

As someone who has used concealed holsters in real life I would say that you suggestion of quick-draw from a concealed holster is a half action is the best compromise between real life and keeping the game fun.

If you want to go for realism make it impossible to quickdraw from a covert holster - they are normally under at least one layer of clothing and/or in a slightly difficult to reach place (ankle, between the shoulder-blades, armpit, etc) which is how they are so difficult to find in the first place.

with regards to compacts in covert holsters, I personally would let the difficulty effects stack.

Hope that helps


Thanks! I have been looking at them too, time to draw does seem to vary and a full action makes sense for most, while a person with a quick draw should be able to do it faster (but still hindered).

Right now the PC that is using it has a snub revolver and would basically be wearing a form of chest armor and possibly boots, any suggestions for the best holster?

(Snub Revolvers are something we do in our games, 5 or 6 shots, halved range, -10 to find instead of the -20 compact, but not as expensive as a true compact weapon)

hhhmmmmm, chest armour and boots doesn't really leave many concealment options unless the gun is small enough to actually fit in the boot without a noticable buldge.

looser clothing is really the best for hiding holsters (or specificly tailored clothing). My recomendation is some sort of great coat over the top of whatever armour is being worn and then either a arm-pit rig or small-of-back holster depending on the practicalities of the armour the player is wearing.

Happy to provide more help where i can, my knowledge is mainly close security and airsoft based.

