Next Player Attacks in 1 Player Games

By Zjb12, in Rules questions & answers

Hey, so, I am sure this is probably covered somewhere, but couldn't find it. In the Black Riders scenarios, there are several shadow effects saying that after this attack, the enemy makes another attack against the "next" player. Now, I remember that in 1 player games, I am both the first player and the last player.

But, unless I am Smeagol/Gollum, ;) I don't think I am also the next player. So I have been figuring that is null and void in 1 player games as there is no next player. correct?


The "next" player is you

The "next" player is you

No, this was defined in the rules for The Long Dark:

"The next player is the player sitting directly to the left of
the player referenced by the card effect. If there are no
other players in the game, there is no next player ."

Oh well, guess I have been making the game more difficult for myself, on that rare occasion I have played solo.

I think it's the "last player" who does exist in solo games... from the Khazad-dum rule sheet.

Thanks everyone!