many rule questions....

By circledude, in Warhammer: Diskwars

well, picked up diskwars and I love it. I stopped playing Warhammer fantasy because GW just priced me out of it, so 35 dollars to be in? sure fantastic. However I feel the rule book leaves a lot to be desired for an FFG rule book. I found myself yesterday saying "I havn't had this many problems with a rule book since I played Warhammer...oh"

So my questions:

1. looking at ranged attacks it says that you can attack ally disks, you can range attack disks you are pinning, and the only restriction it lists is a disk not being able to shoot itself. So can I shoot a pinned disk if the disk that wants to shoot it is not doing the pinning. Nothing says you can't but maybe I am missing a rule about being Pinned.

2. On page ten of the rule book it gives an example of Karl Franz on top of two Orks disks. We ran into a situation yesterday where it was the exact opposite, the two Ork disks were on top of Mr. Franz. this is not an example in the book but judging from what I read the attatck strength of the orks are combined and applied to Karl as one attack and then Karl can do 5 counter damage to one Ork disk. my original assumption was that each one happens individually which upon much further reading out loud and visualizing seems to be wrong. Is the first interpretation I wrote proper the proper interpretation?

3. impact damage happens immediately upon pinning a disk correct? I ran Boar Boyz over many empire disks with 3 toughness and wiped them out right away since Boar Boyz are impact 4. is this right? seems pretty ridiculous but seems to read right.

Thanks for answers in advance

1. Okay, if I'm reading this one correctly, yes, you can shoot the disk you are currently pinning.

2. Yes, your first interpretation is correct. In this battle, one Ork would die and Karl Franz would get a stamina counter (i.e. take a wound)

3. Correct! Boar Boyz are absolutely ridiculous and hit like a semi-truck. Cavalry can be awesome in this game, and you really want to be careful to counter with proper terrain placement and usage.

Agree. Just to be clear, even if he Boar Boyz wipes an enemy disk with Impact, it still has to stop moving.

1. Okay, if I'm reading this one correctly, yes, you can shoot the disk you are currently pinning.

alright, let me explain better, if I have an Ork unit pinning empire pistoliers, can an 'Arrer boys that is not doing the pinning target and attack the pistoliers?

Yes. Let me try to make it streamlined and generic.

A disk that is unpinned and unactivated can make a ranged attack targeting any disk (other than itself) within range that it has line of sight to.

Only some terrain can block LOS. Disks never block LOS. The Cave has a special rule.

Edited by Bright Wizard

I was wondering about some of these same things. I think I understand the one about the Orcs/Karl Franz but I want to make sure.

Suppose a hero with 1 stamina and toughness five was being pinned by two enemy disks that had five attack strength each. If I'm understanding this thread, the total of 10 damage by the enemy attacks would be done in a single attack causing one wound to the hero (as opposed to two separate attacks of 5 damage which would do 1 wound on the first attack and then kill the disk on the second).

Do I have that right?

Thanks all, this has been really helpful in just cleaning up the game. It feels like a smooth system but I think the miniature wargamer in me may have been trying to over complicate the rules a bit.

Keep in mind, targeting a pinned or pinning disk with a ranged shot can scatter. And when it scatters, the nearest available target is your own unit that is pinning or being pinned.

Something to think about.

Yup, there is risk involved for sure, we had been discussing that around the office a bit this morning.