To whom it may profit,
I would REALLY like to have a Fantasy Flight Games Official X-Wing Miniatures Squad Builder Plus App (patent not pending), consider the following modest proposal:
Search your feelings and you too will know it to be true, that this would have immense user value - not to mention a mea$ure of profit for your company I'd wager.
Imagine the pride you would have in a technological terror you could construct which would allow advanced squad building and squad build point tracking for any user specified build point total…insignificant next to the power of the force? Certainly, but in lieu of a Jedi master at hand, we should consider this alternative further...
When fully operational it should also contain enough firepower to possess a built in error checker (for instance flagging errors like a squad build that attempts to couple homing missiles on an X-wing fighter, or adding "Push the Limit" to a Dutch Vander, or running two Luke Skywalker pilots)...
It would incorporate inventory tracking (allowing users to input their owned expansions and show which ships and upgrades they currently have to equip) and of cour$e it would point out other possible upgrades with a convenient reference to which expansion(s) they would need to purchase to obtain said upgrade$, maybe even with a link to purchase them...
Optimally this App would also allow the ability to name and save builds, to upload builds to a community share where the various build combinations and their popularity/support within the community could be accessed...
I wish I was savvy enough to develop this myself, but alas I am but a half-witted nerfherder (who is occasionally scruffy looking, but never stuck-up) and the best I can create is something terribly clumsy and random (spreadsheet)…nothing like the envisioned elegant application I would expect from our more civilized age.
Help us FFG devs…you're our only hope.
Thank you for reading! MTFBWY!
Edited by fleurdelis