New podcast in the works

By rhombusleech, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I'm GMing a group of six PCs and after playing through Long Arm of the Hutt, I decided it would be valuable for the group to start recording sessions once we began a new campaign. The idea was originally for archival purposes, so if a player missed a session they could listen to the recording to catch up on what happened, but the results were pretty good so we'll probably start posting it as a live play podcast once I get the hang of editing them.

Here's a teaser from our first session where they name their newly acquired ship:

Edited by rhombusleech

That sounds really awesome!!! I would love to do something like that, but yeah...

Looking forward to downloading this! I think this is a great idea for the community. I know for me, as an ancient GM, I can really get stuck into a pattern of how I run things, it will be great to have some other "insight" to other groups.

Good luck with this!

Thanks! I'm a new GM and we're all still getting a feel for the rules and the system in general so I'm sure everyone will have feedback for how we're doing something wrong, but I'm looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks anyway.

Good luck!

Ok, well, I listened to it, and right from the get go so many things wrong with this group! What is all this "Laughter"! It actually sounds like you people are having a good time together!!! WHAT!!! :angry: This a very serious endeavour and you are all acting like a bunch of this...this...this a game to you!? What is wrong with you!?

Ok, how was that? You have to read the above in a scornful almost venomous british accent, like an old school master. LOL :D

That was really cool, well except for the bleeps! I need to know the name of that ship now! Very nice, and it sounds like you are having a great time, which is the most important aspect of this game!! And if you don't want to go with Def Leppard you can always go with Def Lepi :P

Upon listening back on the session I didn't realize the level of shock expressed when the name was revealed. It felt like a great teaser as it illustrates the general laid back vibe of the group. Even if we're doing things wrong, everyone is having fun and that's the important part.