[Migrated] Homebrewed Psychic Powers (Necrozius)

By Wu Ming, in Dark Heresy House Rules



I'm creating this thread in hopes of generating some fun discussions and even some inspiration for some new material.

Forgive me if there is already a similar thread: I performed a search and came up with nothing.

Anyways, the idea is to present an idea for new Minor or Major (Discipline) psychic powers, in hopes of getting constructive feedback.


I'll start.

Read Person
Power Threshold: Undetermined. I don't think that it should be a walk in the park, though.
Focus Time: 2 Full Rounds? I like the idea that this is done over a period of time. Requires some observation or interaction.
Sustainable: yes
The target must be within the Psyker's line of sight for the duration of the Focus Time period, in a non-combat situation. Then the Psyker makes an opposed Wp roll against this target. A successful social roll with this target prior to this will give the Psyker a +10 bonus to this opposed Wp test (any social interaction will do- Charm, Deceive, Intimidate etc... the idea is to generate some kind of reaction that can be observed and quantified, revealing some of the target's personality). A success means that the Psyker gains a bonus of +30 to Scrutiny checks (only against this one target) for the duration of the scene.

Background/Reasoning behind this:

I'm currently reading Frank Herbert's Dune , and can't help but be intrigued and amazed by the concept of the Bene Gesserit (spelling?) sisterhood. Mostly the way that they study and scrutinize people with such subtle methods.

I admit that my Psyker is deriving heavily from this concept. She exists to serve as an aid to each of the other members of the party- especially noticing small things and reading people to help out the Arbitrator and the Cleric in the group.

This is a Minor Psychic Power. This assumes mind reading, but it is not, because that would be too powerful. It is more like opening the mind to be more empathetic and scrupulous towards an individual, to further understand and pick up on their motivations. A subtle psychic OBSERVATION.

In other words, a psychic boost to Scrutiny against one individual for a period of time.

I'm up to suggestions and alternatives! 3b63d1616c5dfcf29f8a7a031aaa7cad.gif

This looks to be a fine power for the budding diviner or telepath. I'd say go for an 8 on the Threshold value. Unnatural Aim also has a Threshold of 8 and gives a +30 bonus, but is performed over 1 round without the need to specify a target. You could add in an Overbleed effect to compensate for the relative difficulty of utilising this power, perhaps something like for every 5 points you exceed the threshold by you grant yourself a +10 bonus to the opposed WP roll.