Need help guys- my baby Pitt managed to get ahold of our range ruler- before I noticed her, it was in bits.
Could someone be so kind as to measure Short, Medium and Long range for me on that rule?
Edited by JackStokesNeed help guys- my baby Pitt managed to get ahold of our range ruler- before I noticed her, it was in bits.
Could someone be so kind as to measure Short, Medium and Long range for me on that rule?
Edited by JackStokesYou have my comiseration!
Short: 3 inch
Medium: +4 inch
Long: +5 inch
Thanks for the quick reply! My roommates and I have had the game since last Wednesday and have played almost every day - Have to get my fix!
I built three for the various lengths with this
Yes. Baby pits do that. At least they are real sweethearts and eventually outgrow consuming everything available. Good luck!
Yes. Baby pits do that. At least they are real sweethearts and eventually outgrow consuming everything available. Good luck!
And as an added bonus you can groom them to play Diskwars with you when you're grey and old