
By BigYogi, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


first of all.....i hate the search-tool in this new forum...

but now my question:

in the new FAQ (March 25, 2009) on page 6 is a little text about the undying ability. it seems that there is a different use of the undying ability in vanilla descent and in RTL?

so, in vanilla descent if the monster succeeds it's undying roll, the monster is full of health again, the leftover damage is applied to the monster and all lingering effects stay.

in RTL, the monster is full of health, no damage "roll-over", and all lingering effects disappear when succeeding an undying roll.

is this correct? and if yes, why such 2 different rules for vanilla and RTL? seems a little strange to me.



This is correct. RTL undying is a little more powerful than vanilla. In RTL, all effect tokens are discarded and wounds are restored to max.

thanks a lot, so i'm reading the FAQ correctly gran_risa.gif

and, in the FAQ, TELEKINESIS is removed from the advanced campaign! hooray! aplauso.gif