New player getting involved with the new Core Set. I find I'm liking the style of Baratheon, so I was wondering what kind of strategies I should use when deck building and game play with that House.
Baratheon Strategy
Think delayed rush. The idea is you get the cards in hand and/or in play that will let you strike for the fences before you ropponent even realizes you are with in distance of winning. Normally when some gets ten power the opponent(s) realize three unopposed challenges, one for renown or other card effect, and one for dominance is way to close, an dthey pounce on you leaving you spitting blood and splintered teeth.
Delayed rush should have enough card effects, unopposed, or renown (or card effects that grant unopposed or renown) to net you an 8 power swing in one turn.
There is also various forms of control they have access to, they seem to have a little bit of everything, with saves, neutering attachments, burn, challenge control, etc. They haven't received a lot of love lately from the players, but I think they are a pretty solid House with no real weakness that is easy to exploit.
there is also some knight synergy that you might want to explore, but probably mot until some more of the chapter packs come out (especially the agenda that gives you 'free' access to martell cards)