Have a discussion on the BGG boards regarding a conflict in the rules about when the Activation Phase ends.
Page 7 reads:
Players repeat steps of the activation phase until all disks on the battlefield are either pinned or activated, or each player has no more command cards left to play. When this occurs, proceed to the melee phase.
Page 18 reads under Command Cards:
A player must play a command card, if able, even if all of his disks are activated or pinned.
A player does not have to reinforce disks from his reserve when resolving a command card if all of his other disks are activated and pinned.
So my take on this is that page 7 rules were meant only for the demo introduction game, which had no units still in reserve, so there was no reason to continue playing command cards as there was nothing left to activate once everything was pinned or activated on the battlefield.
The page 18 rules are for the actual regular gameplay where reserves might need to be placed out.
Can we get a ruling on this?
Edited by wiles01