Shades of Heresy (Play-by-Post) Characters

By GauntZero, in Dark Heresy


Key information:












XP (current / spent):

Fatigue Threshold:








































Psy Powers:






Gear, Weapons & Armour:


Spent experience for:

- e.g. Agility +5 (1st increase) [250 XP]

- e.g. Command Skill [100 XP]

- e.g. Command Skill +10 [200 XP]

- Inescapeable Attack Talent [300 XP]

Edited by GauntZero
Key Information:
Character Name: Dammek Vossen
Home world: Hive World (Hive Desoleum)
Background: Imperial Guard (623rd Desoleum Penal Assault Corps)
Role: Desperado
Divination: "The only true fear is of dying with your duty not done." Gain Resistance (Fear). Never let it be said that the Emperor doesn't have a sense of humor.
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Build: Moderate height, thin
Insanity: 4
Corruption: None (yet)
Fate: 1/3
XP (current/spent): 0/1100
Fatigue Threshold: 5
Wounds: 8/11
Movement Speed: 4/8/12/24
WS: 25
BS: 34
S: 30
T: 31
Ag: 40*
Int: 31
Per: 38*
WP: 24
Fel: 40
Inf: 32
* = increased with XP
- Athletics 1
- Awareness 1
- Command 1
- Common Lore (IG) 1
- Deceive 1
- Dodge 1
- Forbidden Lore (Xenos) 1
- Medicae 1
- Navigate (surface) 1
- Scrutiny 1
- Stealth 1
- Resistance (Fear)
- Quick Draw
- Las Training
- Low-Tech Training
- Agility
- Perception
- Ballistic Skill
- Fellowship
- Fieldcraft
- Defense
- Finesse
Gear, Weapons & Armor:
- Laspistol & 2 charge packs
- Sword (penal legion standard issue combat blade)
- Guard flak armor (regimental markings of 623rd Desoleum Penal Assault Corps, burnt orange armor with brown fatigues)
- Good quality stub automatic with sacred inscriptions (unloaded)
- Photo-contacts
- Grapnel & line
- 8 lho sticks with engraved lighter
- Magnoculars
- Combat vest
- Explosive collar (attached) :D
Description: (be warned, it's long)
Dammek is a very thin man of average height in his early thirties with short black hair, brown eyes and a lean face that seems perpetually coated with light stubble no matter how frequently he shaves. When alone he fidgets, smokes heavily and constantly checks every corner as though afraid he is being watched. When in the company of others, however, he is talkative and outgoing, frequently making jokes. He gives the impression of being honest and friendly yet discreet when necessary, the sort of person you can trust.

Of course, this trust would be entirely unfounded. Never knowing his real parents, young Dammek made his living by running cons on unsuspecting uphivers in Hive Desoleum and organized a successful smuggling ring. He started by transporting mundane things like obscura and weapons, but he soon found that the real money lay in highly illegal xenos artifacts. Unfortunately, his smuggling days were soon brought to an end by a midnight Arbites raid, and he was sentenced to spend the rest of his days in the 623rd Desoleum Penal Assault Corps.

Dammek was never quite sure how he survived combat in the penal legions as long as he did. He was physically frail, and his first instinct when confronted by hostiles was typically to drop his weapons and run away screaming. The 623rd were a close-combat regiment that specialized in suicidal assaults and desperate delaying actions -- as a penal legion, new "recruits" could always be found. Dammek fought in several battles against the Orks, keeping himself alive through shrewd tactics and strategic use of cover (hiding like a coward) while ingratiating himself with the other troopers. He was well-liked and even formed several friendships.

In spite of his intentions he was never able to stand alongside his friends in combat. He watched as his comrade Lyra was killed by an Ork Nob, firing her stub automatic until it ran dry before being torn apart by a power klaw. Only after the beast had killed her did he snap out of his fear-induced paralyis and spring into action. He dodged and rolled around the Ork, avoiding its blows while shooting it furiously with his laspistol. Finally, an overload shot right between the ork's eyes brought it low, but it was much too late for him to save Lyra. He still carries her pistol with him to this day, unloaded, as a reminder of how steep the price of hesitation can be.

After that battle, a stranger entered the penal legion encampment and asked to see Dammek personally. The stranger knew everything about him, even his past as a xenotech smuggler. The figure had a very special assignment for him, and if he was successful he might even regain his freedom. Unbeknownst to Dammek, he was about to enter a world more dangerous than any battlefield, and survival was anything but guaranteed...
Spent experience for:
- Agility +5 (1st increase) [100 xp]
- Dodge skill [100 xp]
- Deceive skill [200 xp]
- Forbidden Lore (xenos) skill [300 xp]
- Awareness skill [100 xp]
- Stealth skill [100 xp]
- Scrutiny skill [100 xp]
- Perception +5 (1st increase) [100 xp]
Edited by Covered in Weasels

Key information
Character-Name: Dral Drakkon
Homeworld: Void Born
Background: Adeptus Astra Telepathica
Role: Mystic
Divination: To war is human
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Build: 6'4'' with a lean build
Appearance: Long white hair, light blue eyes, smartly dressed.
Insanity: 0
Corruption: 0
Fate: 3
XP (current / spent): (50/1050)
Fatigue Threshold: 7
Wounds: 11
Movement: 3/6/9/18

BS: 31
WS: 27
S: 30
T: 32
Ag: 31
Int: 36
Per: 33
WP: 41
Fel: 40
IF: 25

- Awareness 1
- Common Lore AAT 1
- Forbidden Lore Warp 1
- Psyniscience 1
- Dodge 1
- Logic 1

- Weapon Low Tech
- Weapon Las
- Strong Minded (reroll failed WP tests vs psy)
- Resistance Psy (+10 save)

- Sanctioned - Tongue Bound; Lips, gums and soft palate are tattooed in hexegrammatic wards
- The Constant Threat (10m, modify psychic phenomenon by +/- WP bonus)

- Psyker
- Defence
- Intelligence
- Knowledge
- Perception
- Willpower
- Fellowship

- None

Psy Powers: Psy Rating 2
- Telepathic Link
- Erasure
- Hallucination
- Dominate

Gear, Weapons & Armour
- Las Pistol (30m, S/2/-, 1D10+2 E, 0, 30, Half, Reliable)
- Knife (5m, 1D5 R, 0)
- Light Flak Cloak (2AP, Arms, Body, Legs)
- Psy Focus - A locket with a lock his mothers hair inside.
- Photo Contacts
- Auspex Scanner
- Civilian Clothes
- Astra Telepathica robes


On <date> Dral’s mother was given up to a Blackship after developing uncontrolled Telepathic powers, she was 1 month pregnant with Dral at the time. Dral was born on the journey back to Terra after the Blackship had completed its tour.

Dral spent his early childhood at a Schola Progenia attached to the Astra Telepathica on Terra until he too started to show signs of psychic potential. Showing remarkable strength of mind Dral was deemed fit for sanctioning and spent the next 14 years studying and undergoing the rigorous ordeals of the Astra Telepathica.

Upon graduation Dral was assigned to the Astra Telepathica on Delsoleum in the Askellon Sector where he has spent the last year working with a local Arbites precinct helping extract information from prisoners.

Dral knows nothing of his mothers plight or what happened to his father. He was told they were both killed in an accidental explosion on a spaceport where they lived. His only link to his past is a locket with a lock of his mother hair inside.

Spent experience for
- Fellowship +5 (1st increase) [250 XP]
- Telepathic Link [100 XP]
- Erasure [100 XP]
- Willpower +5 (1st increase) [100 XP]
- Hallucination [200 XP]
- Logic [100 XP]
- Dominate [200 XP]

Edited by dava100

My dear friends,

After long deliberation, here is my character sheet, as a Seeker:

Character-Name: Asterius Arsa

Home world: Hive World - Desoleum

Background: Adeptus Arbites Investigator

Role: Seeker

Divination: There is no such thing as innocence. Only degrees of guilt. (“Innocence is an illusion”)

Gender: Male

Age: 34

Build: Tall, lean and rough-looking; 1,85m / 80 kg (approx.)

Coloration: Hive-Pale

Quirk: Always wears glasses when without helmet

Hair/Eyes: Dark Brown / Right: dark blue; left: red (terminator-like)

Insanity: 0

Corruption: 0

Fate: 3

XP (current / spent): 0 / 900

Fatigue Threshold:

Wounds: 12

Movement: 6


BS: 37

WS: 25

S: 26

T: 35

Ag: 30

Int: 32

Per: 36

WP: 31

Fel: 40

IF: 31


- Awareness + 0

- Command + 0

- Common Lore

Adeptus Arbites + 0

Underworld + 0

- Inquiry + 0

- Interrogation + 0

- Intimidate + 0

- Scrutiny + 0

- Security + 0

- Tech – Use + 0

Talents / Traits:

- Teeming Masses in Metal Mountains : ignores crowds for purposes of movement. Gains a +20 bonus to Navigate (Surface) tests when in enclosed spaces.

- The Face of the Law: may re-roll any Intimidation and Interrogation tests, and substitute Willpower bonus for degrees of success.”

- Nothing Escapes My Sight: May spend a Fate point to automatically succeed in Awareness or Inquiry skill tests with a number of degrees of success equal to Perception bonus.

- Keen Intuition: Can retry Awareness test once with –10 modifier.

- Peer (Adeptus Arbites):

- Clues from the Crowds: May re-roll a test made to gather information from groups.


- Ballistic Skill

- Fellowship

- Intelligence

- Offence

- Perception

- Social

- Tech


- Common Quality Cyber-eye

Gear, Weapons & Armour:

- Combat Shotgun

- Enforcer light carapace armour

- 3 doses of stimm

- Manacles

- 12 lho sticks

- Stub Revolver

- Combat Knife

- Data-Slate (containing an annotated The Book of Law)

- Civilian Clothes

- Micro-bead

- Aviator Glasses

- Stablight
- 3 extra ammunition clips for each weapon

Spent experience for:

- Peer (Adeptus Arbites) [100 XP]

- Command Skill [200 XP]

- Tech-Use (+0) [100 XP]

- Clues from the Crowds [200 XP]

- Inquiry (+0) [100 XP]

- Fellowship (+5) [100 XP]

- Security (+0) [100 XP]


I took some liberties with equipment, but only concerning widely-available items that would be consistent with the character and not provide any unfair advantage.

I noticed that, after turning him from a Warrior to a Seeker, he actually became very different from my vision, coming closer to my original idea, very much a detective in the world of Desoleum.

For this reason, I haven't finished completely developing his story, but I see him as a somewhat disillusioned Investigator, that recently lost his partner after investigating a circle of criminals, that could be either:

  • drug dealers, dealing xeno-drugs;
  • grey marketeers (both those concepts would connect with his previous bust of our dear xeno dealer colleague Dammek);
  • a circle of Witches;

After surviving this encounter, Asterius was recruited by the Inquisition to continue his investigation, without such pesky restrictions as the law.

Edited by svstrauser

Key information:

Character-Name: Cade Harkness

Homeworld: Forgeworld

Background: Imperial Guard

Role: Assassin

Divination: "Only the insane have strength enough to prosper." (+3 Willpower, First time I gain insanity points per session I gain that much +1 instead)

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Build: Fit

Insanity: 0

Corruption: 0

Fate: 3/3

XP (current / spent): 0/1100

Fatigue Threshold: 5

Wounds: 11

Movement: 4/8/12/24


BS: 36

WS: 33

S: 32

T: 30

Ag: 41

Int: 40

Per: 39

WP: 29

Fel: 28

IF: 25


-Common Lore: Imperial Guard-1

-Navigate: Surface-1

-Tech Use-1




-Operate (Surface)-1




-Hammer of the Emperor

-Technical Knock

-Las Weapon Training

-Low Tech


-Weapon Skill

-Ballistics Skill





-Field Craft



Psy Powers:


Gear, Weapons & Armour:

Las Pistol

Long Las

Photon Flashx1


Flak Armor


12 lho sticks

Grapnel and Line

Combat Vest

Charge Pack (Pistol)x2

Charge Pack (Basic)x2


Cade was born on the Forgeworld Daedalus IV, the place he has spent a substantial part of his life. Held under the rule of the Adeptus Mechanicus, Cade found himself desiring to escape his homeworld, and to do so, joined the Imperial Guard. He was sent into a recon unit, where the skills he developed on Daedalus IV came in handy-- invoking the rites of the Machine Spirit to repair damaged transports, for example. On such an assignment, investigating rebel activities on a Feral World however, his squad was ambushed and caught. Cade alone survived, and for the next three weeks, hid out in the wilderness. Using cover, skilled sniping abilities and stealth, Cade eliminated his pursuers one by one, and then avenged the death of his platoon by using one of his comrades' long las to gun down a commanding officer of the rebel forces. With the death of this officer, the rebels in that sector were thrown into disarray and the Guard were easily able to defeat them. What Cade wasn't aware of, was that the chaos he created also presented an opening for a group of Inquisitorial Acolytes to infiltrate the rebel forces-- ultimately allowing them to destroy the rebellion at its roots. Not long after that nightmarish assignment, Cade was contacted by an individual within the Inquisition, who expressed interest in him. He believed he could develop and use his skills. And when the Inquisition comes recruiting, you don't exactly say "no"....

Cade is a tall, fit individual. He has dark skin, and hazel brown eyes. His hair is black, and his body is surprisingly unmarked by scars. His face is usually set in a hard, serious expression. While not unfriendly, Cade is not one for idle banter, unless it is required of him for the good of the mission. He is steadfast and loyal to both his unit and his organization. As appropriate of one raised on a Forgeworld, Cade has a reverence for the Machine Spirit, and though he has no great fondness for its messengers, he very much believes in the Machine Spirit and considers it heresy for others to blaspheme it. Although he didn't exactly volunteer for work in the Holy Inquisition, he has no qualms with it, and holds no resentment of any kind towards to organization. Although serious, Cade is fairly easy to get along with for the most part-- at least while there's no pressure. If the pressure's on, he can begin to act like something of a strict task master, quick to jump on the first mistake anyone (himself included) makes.

Spent experience for:



Tech Use-1


Parry-1 (as of Feb 14/14)

Perception+5 (39)

Ballistic Skill+5 (36)

Agility+5 (41)

Edited by ColArana


Key information:


Homeworld: Highborn

Background: Adeptus Mechanicus

Role: Chirurgeon

Divination: The only true fear is dying without your duty done.




Insanity: 0

Corruption: 0

Fate: 4

XP (current / spent): 0 / 900

Fatigue Threshold: 4

Wounds: 10 +1 = 11

Movement: 3 / 6 / 9 / 18


BS: 31

WS: 27

S: 32

T: 24

Ag: 30

Int: 35 +5 +5 = 45

Per: 33 +5 = 38

WP: 29

Fel: 34

IF: 40


- Operate (Ground Vehicle)

- Common Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus)

- Logic

- Security
- Tech-Use

- Medicae

- Scholastic Lore (Chymistry)


- Resistance (Fear)

- Resistance (Heat)

- Mechadendrite Use (Utility),
- Weapon Training (Solid Projectile)

- Mechanicus Implants (Trait)


- Fieldcraft

- Intelligence

- Knowledge

- Toughness

- Strength

- Tech

- Fellowship


- optical mechadendrite

Gear, Weapons & Armour:

hand cannon, Imperial robes,
2 vials of sacred unguents


Special Abilities:

Dedicated Healer: In addition to
the normal uses of Fate points, when a Chirurgeon
character fails in a test to provide First Aid, he can spend a Fate
point to automatically succeed on the test instead with the degrees
of success equal to his Intelligence bonus.”

Replace the Weak Flesh: Adeptus Mechanicus characters count
the availability of all cybernetics as 2 levels more available (Rare
items count as Average, Very Rare items are Scarce, etc.)

Breeding Counts: Any time a highborn character would
reduce his Influence, he reduces it by one less
(to a minimum reduction of 1).

Spent experience for:

- medicae skill [100 XP]

- Intelligence +5 [100 XP]

- Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) [100 XP]

- Sound Constitution [100 XP]

- Perception +5 [250 XP]

- Intelligence +5 [250 XP]

Edited by GauntZero

Key information:

Character-Name : Seito No'Akai ("Red Student," or "Student of the Red")

Homeworld : Highborn

Background : Adeptus Mechanicus

Role : Chirurgeon

Divination : The only true fear is dying without your duty done (+2 wounds).

Gender : Female

Age : 35

Build : Lithe (thin with tight springy muscles)

Insanity : 0/100

Corruption : 0/100

Fate : 4/4

XP (current / spent): 0 / 900

Fatigue Threshold : 4

Wounds : 13 (10 base, +1 SC, +2 Div.)

Movement : 3 / 6 / 9 / 18


BS : 31

WS : 27

S : 32

T : 24

Ag : 30

Int : 45*

Per : 38*

WP : 29

Fel : 34

IF : 40

* = Increased through xp.

Skills :

- Operate (Ground Vehicle)

- Common Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus)

- Logic

- Security
- Tech-Use

- Medicae

- Scholastic Lore (Chymistry)

Talents :

- Resistance (Fear)

- Resistance (Heat)

- Mechadendrite Use (Utility)
- Weapon Training (Solid Projectile)

- Mechanicus Implants (Trait)

Aptitudes :

- Fieldcraft

- Intelligence

- Knowledge

- Toughness

- Strength

- Tech

- Fellowship

Cheat Sheet :

- Two matching aptitudes 100xp, 250xp, 500xp, 750xp

- One matching aptitude 250xp, 500xp, 750xp, 1000xp

- No matching aptitudes 500xp, 750xp, 1000xp, 2500xp

  • Intelligence advances = Cheap (2 matching)
  • Strength, Toughness, Perception, Fellowship = Average (1 matching)
  • Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Agility and Willpower = High (0 matching

Cybernetics :

- Optical Mechadendrite (+10 Per tests, +20 Per tests at night)

- Medical Mechadendrite (+10 Medicae checks)

Gear, Weapons & Armour :

- Hand Cannon Kuso (1d10+4 I, Pen 2; 35m; S/-/- ; clip 5; reload 2 Full).

- Hand Cannon ammo (x2 clips standard on her belt)

- Hand Cannon Ammo (x1 clip man-stopper +3 pen; on her belt)

- Imperial Robes

- Light Flak Jacket (AP 2: Body, Arms, and Legs)
- Medikit (+20 medicae tests; x6 doses of Stimm)

- Red Dot Laser Sight for Kuso (+10 BS)

- Vials of Sacred Ungents (x2)

Description :

Height : 5'6"

Weight : 105 lbs.

Eyes : Yellow

Hair : Black, almost purple.

Small and fit, Seito is as smart as she is headstrong. She wears Imperial Robes of an above-average quality, and while a mechadendrite or two can be spotted on her body, she is nowhere near the more-machine-than-human stereotype a lot of the Adeptus Mechanicus thrives to be. She has pale skin and dark black hair with yellow almond shaped eyes. A small nose and small mouth complete her attractive face. She carries a ludicrously large hand cannon at her side that she has affectionately named Kuso - a variant of "Damnit!" in her native Gothic dialect.

Strapped to her left hip is a medicae bag and some sacred ungents. As it turns out, she is as much dedicated to healing machines as she is her fellow Imperial citizens. Black leather boots are strapped to her feet that are of higher-than-average quality and it is obvious fairly quickly that she is no low-born underhiver.

Personality : Seito is open and honest. She comes from a wealthy family and doesn't mind talking about it, even if it brings animosity into the conversation. She also doesn't mind talking about leaving a life of wealth and privilege behind (a privilege in its own right) to treck across countless battlefields helping wounded Imperial Citizens and those who fight to protect what is rightfully the God-Emperors wherever she could. She is smart but not condescending or rude about it. She knows what she is good at and will go out of her way to make her talents of use to those she considers friends. Loyalty is huge to Seito and she doesn't give respect unless it is earned. She is both a follower of the Omnissiah and the Emperor of Mankind, believing that both are one and the same and that only through sacrifice can the debt of live be paid.

Special Abilities :

- Dedicated Healer: In addition to
the normal uses of Fate points, when a Chirurgeon
character fails in a test to provide First Aid, she can spend a Fate
point to automatically succeed on the test instead with the degrees
of success equal to her Intelligence bonus.”

- Replace the Weak Flesh: Adeptus Mechanicus characters count
the availability of all cybernetics as 2 levels more available (Rare
items count as Average, Very Rare items are Scarce, etc.)

- Breeding Counts: Any time a highborn character would
reduce his Influence, he reduces it by one less
(to a minimum reduction of 1).

XP Expenditure:

- medicae skill (100 xp)

- Intelligence +5 (1st rank, 100 xp)

- Intelligence +5 (2nd rank, 250 xp)

- Perception +5 (1st rank, 250 xp)

- Scholastic Lore (Chymistry, 100 xp)

- Sound Constitution (x1, 100 xp)

Edited by pearldrum1

Key information:

Character-Name: Erwin Sotame

Homeworld: Feral world

Background: Imperial Guard - deserter - hired gun (To discuss)

Role: Warrior (hired gun?)

Divination: "The only true fear is of dying with your duty not done."

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Build: Svelte

Insanity: 0/100

Corruption: 0/100

Fate: 2/3

XP (current / spent): 0/900

Fatigue Threshold: 4

Wounds: 7/12

Movement: 3/6/9/18


BS: 25+12 = 37

WS: 25 +10 = 35

S: 30 + 4 +10 = 44

T: 30 + 6 +10 = 46

Ag: 25 + 13 = 38

Int: 25 + 1 = 26

Per: 25 + 8 = 33

WP: 25 + 4 = 29

Fel: 25+ 2 = 27

IF: 20 + 0 = 20


Athletics +10


Common Lore (Imperial Guard)

Operate (Surface)

Navigate (Surface)



Weapon Training (Las, Low-Tech)

Iron Jaw

Aptitudes: (no clue what this is :( )

Ballistic Skill




Weapon Skill




non available

Psy Powers:

non available

Gear, Weapons & Armour:


Combat vest

Imperial Guard flak armour

Grapnel and line

Lho sticks (12)


Special abilities:

Hammer of the Emperor:
When attacking a target that an ally attacked since the end of the
Guardsman’s last turn, the Guardsman’s weapon used in the attack
gains the Proven (3) quality (or if already in effect, increases the
value of that quality by +1)

Expert at Violence:

In addition to the normal uses of Fate points,

after making a successful attack test, but before determining
hits, Warrior characters can choose to spend one Fate point to
substitute their Weapon Skill (for melee) or Ballistic Skill (for
ranged) bonus for the degrees of success scored on the attack test.

Spent experience for:

- Toughness +5 [100 XP]

- Strength +5 [100 XP]

- Toughness +5 [250 XP]

- Strength +5 [250 XP]

- Athletics +10 [200 XP]


Height : 1m83

Weight : 74kg.

Eyes : Dark brown

Hair : Bald

Erwin is a bald man, of average height and a bit skinny. In his right ear a strange piercing has been made (a tiny silver symbol, looks like a triangle). His nose has been broken several times and points a bit to the left. You can see that he's seen his share of barfights (and from the looks of it, he hasn't always won). He wears dark utility clothing, but you notice that underneath, some form of armour is hidden. It seems like the pouches on his pants and vest are filled to the brim with all kinds of stuff: wires, a set of tiny pliers, a small idol of Saint Bellis, some tape, but also some spare ammo and some powercells.

When you observe Erwin, you find that he walks with a certain catlike grace and you get the feeling he's light on his feet. This doesn't stop him from bumping into anyone who gets in his way (one more reason for all those scars on his hands). As soon as he opens his mouth, you wish he didn't. The language that comes out is riddled with words from some kind of tribal dialect & is accompanied with a foul stench. It's a pity Erwin likes to talk, even when there is nothing to talk about. His favourite subjects are guns, sturdy ground vehicles, knives, guns and guns.

History : Born on a feral world, Erwin thought his life would threat in the footsteps of his father. Far away from society, his father, Karl, would make a living as a trapper. When Erwin's mother died when he was six, Karl had no other option than to take his only child with him on his travels. Erwin spent most of his childhood in the dark forests in the mountains. Everything changed when Erwin encountered a recruiting officer of the Imperial Guard in the local settlement, as his father and he where selling the pelts they had acquired on their latest trip. Lured by the stories of fame and the look of brandnew lasrifles, Erwin signed on without his father knowing. When his father found out, the damage was done and Erwin was brought off planet to the homeplanet of his regiment. Just before he left, he had a last conversation with Karl where he promised not to bring shame on the family name. As an Emperorfearing citizen Karl approved of the course Erwin had taken. After a thourough training from his drillsergeant, sergeant Wells, Erwin was sent of for his first campaign on a distant hive world. Before going in the LT explained that "the whole population of the planet had gone bonkers" and that their regiment "would go in and sort the buggers out". Unfortunately for Erwin, his batalion was placed in the front lines, trying to establish a beachhead on the unruly planet and due to a lack of combatexperience of the lieutenant, the action went south. In the chaos that followed, the whole landing party was practically wiped out and Erwin missed the retreating Valkyries. Certain that this failure would mean dead, Erwin escaped and fled to the badlands surrounding the hive. There he watched how a terrible retribution was enacted on the occupants of the hive, followed by a massive infantry attack. Not sure if he would be punished for the failed operation, Erwin stayed out in the wilderness and saw his regiment departing after a few weeks. Abandoning his uniform, he made his way to the ruins of the hive and tried to put his talents to good use. Soon he found himself in a new company, working for the highest bidder.

Edited by Librarian Astelan

Key information:

Character-Name: Erwin Sotame

Homeworld: Feral world

Background: Imperial Guard - deserter - hired gun (To discuss)

Role: Warrior (hired gun?)

Divination: "The only true fear is of dying with your duty not done."

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Build: Svelte

Insanity: 0?

Corruption: 0?

Fate: 2 (1 used for revive)

XP (current / spent): 900/900

Fatigue Threshold: 3

Wounds: 14

Movement: 3/6/9/18


BS: 20+12 = 32

WS: 20 +10 = 30

S: 25 + 4 = 29

T: 25 + 6 = 31

Ag: 20 + 13 = 33

Int: 20 + 1 = 21

Per: 20 + 8 = 28

WP: 15 + 4 = 19

Fel: 15+ 2 = 17 (-10)

IF: 20 + 0 = 20?


-Carouse (+10)

-Navigation (Surface) (Basic)

-Speak Language (Low Gothic)

-Speak Language (Tribal Dialect)

-Survival (Basic)

-Tracking (Basic)

-Tech Use -10


-Iron Stomach


-Rite of Passage

-Wilderness Savvy


Aptitudes: (no clue what this is :( )









non available

Psy Powers:

non available

Gear, Weapons & Armour:


Height : 1m83

Weight : 74kg.

Eyes : Dark brown

Hair : Bald

Erwin is a bald man, of average height and a bit skinny. In his right ear a strange piercing has been made (a tiny silver symbol, looks like a triangle). His nose has been broken several times and points a bit to the left. You can see that he's seen his share of barfights (and from the looks of it, he hasn't always won). He wears dark utility clothing, but you notice that underneath, some form of armour is hidden. It seems like the pouches on his pants and vest are filled to the brim with all kinds of stuff: wires, a set of tiny pliers, a small idol of Saint Bellis, some tape, but also some spare ammo and some powercells.

When you observe Erwin, you find that he walks with a certain catlike grace and you get the feeling he's light on his feet. This doesn't stop him from bumping into anyone who gets in his way (one more reason for all those scars on his hands). As soon as he opens his mouth, you wish he didn't. The language that comes out is riddled with words from some kind of tribal dialect & is accompanied with a foul stench. It's a pity Erwin likes to talk, even when there is nothing to talk about. His favourite subjects are guns, sturdy ground vehicles, knives, guns and guns.

History : Born on a feral world, Erwin thought his life would threat in the footsteps of his father. Far away from society, his father, Karl, would make a living as a trapper. When Erwin's mother died when he was six, Karl had no other option than to take his only child with him on his travels. Erwin spent most of his childhood in the dark forests in the mountains. Everything changed when Erwin encountered a recruiting officer of the Imperial Guard in the local settlement, as his father and he where selling the pelts they had acquired on their latest trip. Lured by the stories of fame and the look of brandnew lasrifles, Erwin signed on without his father knowing. When his father found out, the damage was done and Erwin was brought off planet to the homeplanet of his regiment. Just before he left, he had a last conversation with Karl where he promised not to bring shame on the family name. As an Emperorfearing citizen Karl approved of the course Erwin had taken. After a thourough training from his drillsergeant, sergeant Wells, Erwin was sent of for his first campaign on a distant hive world. Before going in the LT explained that "the whole population of the planet had gone bonkers" and that their regiment "would go in and sort the buggers out". Unfortunately for Erwin, his batalion was placed in the front lines, trying to establish a beachhead on the unruly planet and due to a lack of combatexperience of the lieutenant, the action went south. In the chaos that followed, the whole landing party was practically wiped out and Erwin missed the retreating Valkyries. Certain that this failure would mean dead, Erwin escaped and fled to the badlands surrounding the hive. There he watched how a terrible retribution was enacted on the occupants of the hive, followed by a massive infantry attack. Not sure if he would be punished for the failed operation, Erwin stayed out in the wilderness and saw his regiment departing after a few weeks. Abandoning his uniform, he made his way to the ruins of the hive and tried to put his talents to good use. Soon he found himself in a new company, working for the highest bidder.

Spent experience for:

- e.g. Agility +5 (1st increase) [250 XP]

- e.g. Command Skill [100 XP]

- e.g. Command Skill +10 [200 XP]

- Inescapeable Attack Talent [300 XP]

As this is made with DH1, I will build something similar with DH2 rules for you.

Please integrate the following data into your sheet:


BS: 25+12 = 37

WS: 25 +10 = 35

S: 30 + 4 +10 = 44

T: 30 + 6 +10 = 46

Ag: 25 + 13 = 38

Int: 25 + 1 = 26

Per: 25 + 8 = 33

WP: 25 + 4 = 29

Fel: 25+ 2 = 27

IF: 20 + 0 = 20

Wounds: 12

Fate Points: 3

Fatigue Threshold: 5

Experience (current / spent): 0 / 900


Athletics +10, Command, Common Lore (Imperial Guard), Operate (Surface), Navigate (Surface), Survival


Weapon Training (Las, Low-Tech), Iron Jaw


Ballistic Skill, Defence, Offence, Strength, Weapon Skill, Fieldcraft, Toughness

Starting Equipment:

Lasgun, combat vest, Imperial Guard flak armour, grapnel and line, 12 lho sticks, magnoculars

Special Abilities:

Hammer of the Emperor:

When attacking a target that an ally attacked since the end of the

Guardsman’s last turn, the Guardsman’s weapon used in the attack

gains the Proven (3) quality (or if already in effect, increases the

value of that quality by +1)

Expert at Violence:

In addition to the normal uses of Fate points,

after making a successful attack test, but before determining

hits, Warrior characters can choose to spend one Fate point to

substitute their Weapon Skill (for melee) or Ballistic Skill (for

ranged) bonus for the degrees of success scored on the attack test.

Spent experience for:

- Toughness +5 [100 XP]

- Strength +5 [100 XP]

- Toughness +5 [250 XP]

- Strength +5 [250 XP]

- Athletics +10 [200 XP]

Edited by GauntZero

