Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2014

By PiltharShokmeister, in WFRP Archived Announcements

FFG do a great job at keeping their customer's upto date on New Releases. Even to the point of listing products in development and design.

But there hasn't been any news or information regarding WFRP 3e in about a year, and that was only the release of POD sets.

Has anybody on this forum got any inkling of something happening this year? Have you spoken to someone, who knows someone with inside info?

I hope the Warhammer Fantasy intellectual property stays safe with FFG following today's announcement that Games Workshop's trading price has dropped 25% on the back of diminishing world wide profits.

I want some positive news!

Ok... this question has been asked enough that I feel justified in contacting FFG. We'll see what happens. ;)

Just a heads-up. They don't communicate to anyone on their boards. If you call customer service you'll get a patent answer.


They do not answer questions on future products.

But they do answer rule questions.

Ask them if they could clarify the rules on playtest of the new edition.


Edited by Emirikol


Methinks that this is not a bright idea for a company. I'm sure fans can be annoying, but ....

No fans... no money.

Ok... this question has been asked enough that I feel justified in contacting FFG. We'll see what happens. ;)

Thanks LordPasty, let us know if you find out anything!

I would not bother asking becouse You will not hear any news. The customers service can't talk about future products or if they will come. FFG policy does not allow employers to talk about it and give any information about how a game is selling or if it will be expanded.

At least for year FFG did not give any news aout the line - maybe the line is nor\t dead but it's not alive either. Maybe they will release a new POD but more likely is that the game will evolve Maybe into 3.5 e or maybe even into 4th. Who knows?


Maybe they will not continue this line and start a new one called Warhammer Quest. ;p


PS.the last one is a joke of course becouse they can't make miniatures af far as I know but it would be nice to see a new edition of WQ made by FFG or maybe a new moreplayable and suitebale for me WFRP.

This is the final year of their active license as well. Renegotiation will be required b/c of GW's recent stock plummetage'.


Hollywood goes a long way to keeping these titles popular, and what the designers are obligated to currently work on.

FFG need to heavily invest in their expensive licensing rights while they have them.

Star Wars being set for 3 more movies should stretch out to maybe 2018? Pretty much guarantees up coming RPG releases.

The Hobbit's final film releases December 2014. Same commitment to the LCG support.

Also the ongoing popularity of HBO's A Game of Thrones, with season 4 launching in a matter of weeks.

And apparently the GW IP is up for renewal too. Just because GW are experiencing lossed profits, I hope they don't see the license renewal as a chance to hike the costs for FFG...

(aside: I wonder how much the Tolkien movies impacted on GW's overall business, and whether they "wanted" to support them. It could just as easily been born out of not wanting a competitor to release the range).

Edited by PiltharShokmeister

Got an answer. Not sure if I'm supposed to post it.

Yes, you are supposed to post it :) (Well, the gist of it anyways).


Edited by Emirikol

They said they have no new announcement for the line, but they have announced some reprints (which I dont recall seeing?).

So this is really the final year of their license? Cray cray.

I also feel like maybe the reason for GWs stock plunge is their crap product. Just my opinion though.

As far as movies, that's a good point and I'm sure FFG will be largely focused on Star Wars. Can't blame them there, but (again) I really hope that doesn't mean that WFRP lies in license hell because they want to hang onto it, but they have other stuff going on. I don't really think that will be the case here, but I've seen it happen before.

They said they have no new announcement for the line, but they have announced some reprints (which I dont recall seeing?).

The reprint is listed as "In Development" for the WFRP core set (5th Aug 2013), the adventurers toolkit (1st Aug 2013), and the game masters guide (29th Oct 2013). Not sure what these dates actually mean.

I'd love an expansion.

I sincerely hope that GW are still an active participant in the RPG relationship with FFG, and have expected amounts of product release during the next license period. Assuming the license is renewed.

They said they have no new announcement for the line, but they have announced some reprints (which I dont recall seeing?).

Thanks for letting us know. It's pretty much what we've been told over the past year or so. It appears "license hell" or more "license purgatory" is where we're at.

I asked the question "when can one expect a new expansion of WFRG 3rd Edition?"


Thanks for your question! We have no new announcements about WFRG or expansions, so there is nothing to expect. If we ever do make an announcement about this, it would be on our News page at some point. Have a great day!

Who signs the answers you got guys?

Typically it used to be Daniel L. Clark, but since he is now working on the Star Wars line, I wonder who is in charge of Warhammer.



I think they will continue the licence for 2 reasons: they just started Warhammer:Discwars and are planning Dark Heresy 2e. So why would they annune a new DH when they would drop the licence?

I would rather think about thi\at they will change some agrements it the licence. Maybe they will drop WF and just continue with W40k, I hope not.But they could rearange the licence to make for example a new edition of Warhammer Quest - I would love to see this game redesigned. And they go forward to make a WFRP 4e.

Let's just hope they will not drop the licence.

Tim something

Tony Mills

Weird, he does not appear in any of the Warhammer 3 books so far published. Is May be he responsible for the PODs?

Edited by Yepesnopes

As I know Tony Mills is a person who is anwsering many RPG question even for SW: Age of Rebellion beta and so. He is not the main designer of any RPG line. Or maybe something changed.

Tim something

Tim Uren? He's credited with being an important member of the WFRP design team.

Tony Mills

Fantasy Flight Games Customer Service Team