I've been giving some thought to the discussion (nothing recent though) on activating Nether Realm cards during a game where the alt.endings are not in use.
There are 2 'revealed' alt endings that use Nether Realm cards and one 'hidden' - Surprise ending.
Nether Realm designer, Jon, suggested the use of the Runes spaces in the Middle Region as a possible way to draw Nether cards. There is a ring of "in-story" with this idea, because Runes/gates typically have been known to teleport unexpected things into a world (in sci-fi, fantasy, etc).
My own counter -suggestion was to use the Cursed Glade as a place where Nether cards are drawn, and I amended that to include Day/Night mechanics from Blood Moon. (draw a Nether at Night, Adventure during Day)
So I played recently, and surprizingly, or not, no one ever landed on the Cursed Glade, the rolls and any other possible movements did not take either of us there.
After some reflection I came up with a couple of ideas that may work for those inclined to spice up the menace in their game. (these cards are pretty strong, if you didn't know!).
"Cursed Glade of the Nether" - Set up: at the beginning of the game draw the top/random Nether card and place face down in the Cursed Glade. Use Day/Night mechanics or home-brew more to your taste.
During the game, whenever it is Night, a player cannot pass through the Cursed Glade, even if they have movement enough. They must stop in the Glade, and encounter the Nether card placed there. Whenever Night falls and there is no card (Adventure/Nether/etc) in the Glade, draw one Nether, again, and place face down.
I thought about a reward, simple or otherwise, if you defeat the Nether card (provided its an enemy), and reasoned that the Glade denies the use of magic/objects, so perhaps your reward is living. Perhaps you can continue your movement, but your turn ends when you stop (no other spaces, cards,e tc. encountered).
"Nether Realm Reaper" - Set up can be as above. Reaper must be used in the game. If you defeat or have a succesful encounter with the Nether card in the Glade, The Reaper immediately moves to your spot and you must roll on his chart. Possible caveat - no Fate allowed!
This can easily have another aspect: If you face the Reaper,(anywhere else, through normal game rules) and not liking the roll, pay a Fate, you do not re-roll, you draw the top/random card from the Nether and encounter it. If you win, you get back your Fate token.
Naturally each of these can play together too - for more fun - or FEAR!