Shining Aquas Scenario Thread, come have fun, playing a great game

By Shining Aquas, in Fan Creations

Heyo, I'm Shining Aquas. There's a distinct possibility that you might have seen me . You might also be familiar with things I've done .

This time, in respect to the new year, I'm gonna try something a bit newer for me, and hopefully enjoyable for you. I'm in the process of working on some scenarios for content that I've done, and thought the best way to share them is in the format I've always felt scenarios were best at - Competition.

Every once in a while, I'll have a new Scenario to introduce, and I'd love some other groups to try them out! Just for the sake of making it fun, I'll be keeping track of score (for those that don't know, there's a way to score games of Arkham in the rulebook). If you try out one of the scenarios posted here, tell me your group's score. Oh, and please share with us your highs, your lows, and if you feel like going there your possible demise. All in good fun, right?

All the Scenarios can be downloaded in my other thread (linked at the top) , and the most recent scenario can be found at the bottom of this post. Enjoy.


1) Don't Cheat. I don't think this will ever be a problem, but please don't cheat yourself up a higher score. I'm just asking for honesty.

2) Using custom characters is fine, but games with custom characters will be scored separately from games without customs . If you do use custom characters and want your score recorded, you'll have to put down CUSTOM next to your score so I know where to put it.

3) Have fun. That's mandatory.

Current Scenario



Download it here!

Edited by Shining Aquas


Corrupted Beast - Part 1 of Erion Armaggeddon (Ancient One: Darkova)

Standard Investigators:

1) No one yet. Could be you!

2) N/A

3) N/A

Custom Investigators:

1) No one yet. Could be you!

2) N/A

3) N/A

Edited by Shining Aquas