Hey question for you all.
I am curious as to the best way to store all of my Descent components in such a way that setup and breakdown of the game is as quick and hassle free as possible. At the moment I only have the base game and Lair of the Wyrm expansion, plus I am collecting all available lieutenant packs. Of course, I would also like to eventually have all of the expansions as well.
At the moment I have all of the tiles in the LoW box, and all of the tokens/cards in various bags, the minis, and the dice floating in the main box.
I am hoping for a "cleaner" solution. For example, I also own Twilight Imperium and both its expansions. I've been able to store each color of minis from that game in its own small box, and the race specific tech/racial cards in a 2nd similar sized boxes, and all of the game tokens in a box as well and it all fits snugly inside the main game box. When it comes time to play TI, each player simply grabs a box of minis and the box corresponding to the race he drew.
I am hoping I can come up with a similar setup for Descent, but for the life of me, because SO many pieces are for the general play area and vary so greatly in size and shape, I'm just not thinking of a good way to store my bits and pieces that doesn't make Descent's setup and breakdown a big hassle.